That's Rude, Sounds Like Dad

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Luca helps me around back to my pool house thing. I can see Dad through the window on the phone. I'm so dead. Unlocking the door, Luca guides me in. "My bed is upstairs," I stated softly as he takes in my art studio. He nods and then unexpectedly picks me up and walks up the loft stairs. He set me down on my plush bed and sat next to me. "Thanks," I mumble. A silence fills the air between us. 

"Reject me." My words left my mouth before I could think them through.

"Never," he stated and turned to me. "You know I couldn't even if I wanted to."

Father is going to kill me and him. Just great. I think to myself. "You don't understand. I can't have a mate, not now, not ever. Especially an Alpha for one." The hurt in my voice was clear. It feels like a premature heartbreak saying these things to the one the Moongoddess made for me. 

"We just meet and you want me to reject you? Look, I've dealt with other Alphas before and your father can't be much worse than your Alpha." I looked Luca in the eye and saw the fight in them. He wanted me but I couldn't help the feeling that I'll be the cause of his death just like mums.

I grab his hands in mine. "See that's where you're wrong. My father and my Alpha are the same wolves but he is the least of my concerns, trust me."

Luca bursts out historical. "You got to be fucking kidding me, Moongoddess. Mating me up with a born Luna, are you trying to kill me?" See when an alpha pair have their pups, it will always be males. I on the other hand have been one of the first females born with alpha blood in centuries. That's why he wants me. 

"If my father doesn't kill you first." We both burst out laughing. Something about Luca makes me calm and at ease, it must be the mate bond.

After a few minutes of killing our lungs, we become quiet again just staring up at the ceiling. "If your father is not at the top of the list of concerns then who is?" I take a sharp breath not ready to explain the horrors of my life to him just yet. I'm still in the mindset that if he doesn't reject me then he will go after him and his pack too.

Luca suddenly shot up into a seated position. His eyes glazed over as he used mind-link. Luca's face turned stern and serious just like my Father's when he is in Alpha mode. His hands balled into fists as a spark of red flashes behind his glassy eyes. 

"I have to go." With that, he rushed down the stairs, out the door and shifted as he jumped the backyard fence before I could even ask what happen. I fall back onto the bed with a sigh realizing how much pain I was in from my leg.

Why am I now just feeling the pain? Can mates truly take each other's pain away? Damn it, I wish I paid attention to my studies let alone actually go to them. Well I guess I only missed the ones about mates and pups.

I don't smell lover boy anymore. Kick his sorry Alpha ass out? Jake's voice pops into my head through mind-link.

No, he had Pack stuff I think.

You think?

He kinda said he had to go after a mind-link then left without another word.

That's rude, sounds like Dad.

Please don't say that. Can you bring me some water?

Sure, Sis.

Not long after, the click of the door was followed by the sound of heavy steps on the wooden stairs. "Feeling the pain now?" Jake sits at the foot of my bed and hands me the glass of water. "Hopefully Dad doesn't waltz up here anytime soon, it reeks." He smirks, hinting at something very suggestive about Luca's sent that lingers in my room. I couldn't stop my mouth from dropping and my balled-up fist punching Jake in the arm. Jerk.

"Did you bring me water just to tease me?" I ask before taking a sip of the water.

"Not entirely. Dad's second and third are flying in tomorrow afternoon then later that night the 'Supernatural Council' are coming over for supper to discuss 'business." Jake over exaggerates with large air quotes. So dramatic with this one.

I let out a low growl at the thought of others coming into our territory and eating at our table. "Does this mean I have to cook?"

"Yup," He popped the 'p'. "You know Dad can't cook for shit." Jake stood up and was about to leave when he turned back to me. "Little Colt made the team by the way. He was excited to tell you after practice yesterday but you were off with someones else's Alpha." With that, he left me alone. 

Did I let my anger damage another relationship with someone in my pack? Let alone, my little brother?

The next morning I rose out of my bed like a zombie and slowly slid my legs over the edge. I look down at my feet then at my knees then up to my thighs where my bandage was wrapped tightly. Do I really want to see the scar that is left behind? I don't know why but I'm having a mental block and whether or not to take it off. Was it that I didn't want to see the scar or could it be that I knew the moment I see it, I'll long for him?

I slowly unwrap my leg to expose the large bite mark completely healed. The scar left behind was quite large and very noticeable. It reminded me of the mark mates bare upon their necks but this was simply a wolf disobeying an Alpha. Why do only Alpha bites scar? To remind the wearer to never disobey again.

Not really wanting to go to this stupid school, I reluctantly walk over to my closet and pull on a dark blue "Go Away" singlet and some black knee-length shorts

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Not really wanting to go to this stupid school, I reluctantly walk over to my closet and pull on a dark blue "Go Away" singlet and some black knee-length shorts. After brushing my hair and teeth then walking into the main house, I begin to make breakfast for the boys. 

As soon as the elk sausage hit the frying pan, and very hungry looking Colton dashes into the kitchen. He slipped on the slippery tile and tumbled to the floor with a grunt. "Ouch," He rubbed the back of his head as he stood up and took a seat at the bar. "I forgot I had socks on. Anyways, when did you get home?" I was about to answer but he continued to ask questions. "Where were you? Did you know Dad was freaking the fuck out?"

"I got back yesterday. Someone really pissed me off at school so I went for a run." The whole pack knew my anger controlled me. 

He had a flash of disappointment in his eyes but then they were happy in a blink of an eye. "Oh, I thought you stole Dad's car and went back home or ran off with a guy. But you with a guy, haha, that's unheard of." Colt put his head on the bar and started laughing hysterically.

He must of could the whiff of embarrassment from me and looked up at my blushing face. I turn to focus on the stove trying to ignore his jaw-dropping. "Wait, what? Were you with a guy!?" 

"An Alpha to be exact." Jake takes a seat next Colt. 

"Jaaake." I give him a pouty face then turn to Colton with an evil glare. "Don't tell Dad."

"Why not?"

"Because Dad will try to kill him." 

"It's rare enough for an Alpha wolfblood to have a daughter, let alone have that daughter mate to an Alpha. We can't let Dad ruin that rarity with his overprotective father thing." Jake states.

Colton nods as he processes the situation. "Okay, I won't say anything but I'm still hungry sooo, feed me." I roll my eyes as I pace plates with food in front of the two. We eat it silence until Colton and I had to head to Hell ruled by a certain female Satan and her two bitchy hellhounds. Maybe I'll ditch again for another run? 

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