Done Yet?

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"Get your ass out here! We don't have all night." I yell through the house at Colton. He runs down the stairs and out to the back porch next to me. I crack my neck and stretch my arms as I walk to the tree line. "You ready pup?" I say teasingly as I strip then shift. I start running north towards the clearing I told Brittney to meet me at as Colton followed. 

We played around as we raced each other through the forest. We took our sweet time to get the clearing since we haven't run together in what feels like forever. Colt and I use to be close. Really close. We did everything together and went everywhere together. I started distancing myself from him after mother died, but then again I distanced myself from everyone. 

As we near the clearing voices can be heard. My guess is people from school wanted to see the battle between Queen Bitch and Savage New girl. 

Luca, did you bring me my gym bag?  I see him with Kurt, Dane & Dylan (the twins), and Ridley on the other side of the clearing. 

Luca holds up a black duffle, Got it here. Don't worry there are no humans here.  I look around the clearing some more and see a lot of high schoolers gathered in small clicks like groups. Some I recognize from the pack and others around school, the few times I've gone and paid attention.

I proudly saunter into the middle of the clearing over to Luca and snatch the duffle with my large teeth. I feel all eyes on me as I go back to the tree line to shift. Changing into a black sports bra and black Nike pro shorts made the whole thing feel like I'm being challenged for my Luna position all other again.

"Do you have to do this?" Colt walked up to me and throw him some basketball shorts on. "I mean she's a succubus and you've never fought one before."

"You think I'm gonna let that make me back out of this fight? Do you think I'll lose?" 

"No, not at all, considering your wolf is a lot bigger since you were marked." He looks down at his feet. 

"Everything will be fine, I promise." With that, I walked back into the clearing barefoot to see Brittney standing in the middle of a large circle of people. Here goes nothing. I walk up to her to where I was a few feet from her. "How should we play?" I ask her with a hint of playfulness but she doesn't answer me. "It doesn't matter to me. Either way, I'll beat your ass." 

Something about that line triggered her to sprout her wings and tail as her eyes turn full black like a demon. I guess that's how we will play. I raise my hand and motioned her to take a hit in a nonchalant way.  She ran towards me, very slowly by the way, and tried to punch me square in the nose. With regular human speed, I easily dodged it. Am I making myself clear on how slow she is? Is she moving in slow motion? She tried to swing again and I dodged but then suddenly I'm on my ass. I've so focused on her body language I completely forgot about her tail. 

Be careful of her tail. If she wanted you dead she can slice through your arm with the tip. Luca's voice echo in my head. 

I'm back on my feet and ready for her next move. She comes at me again and I manage to land a punch to her gut. I've been wanting to do that for so long. The next few movements on my part were fast and strategic. We went back and forth on attacks, her occasionally landing a decent punch until she stepped back. She was hunched over, hands on her knees, gasping for air. I take a step closer to her, spit some blood then wipe my mouth. The metallic taste brings me back. She's a lot more work than Harley, but I always love a challenge.

"Done yet?" I ask her mockingly. She let out a sickening laugh as she spread her wings and lifted herself in the air. 

"Never, murderous dog!" She yelled then charged at me. Her comment infuriated me as I shift mid-jump and pull her back to the ground. This probably looks like a really cool action-packed movie of a black wolf jumping into the moonlight to tackle a redheaded succubus. A sharp stinging pain shot through me as her tail glided across my right side. I bite down hard on her wing and jerk my head, tearing a decent-sized hole in the fleshy membrane. A horrid screech echoed around us. I pinned her down with my mouth around her neck and a heavy paw on the end of her tail. I was done playing her game of cat and mouse. She struggled for a pathetically long time but I did not move, hell I put a little more pressure on her neck. This was the tactic that Alphas use if they wanted to dominate someone much like what Luca did the first time that we meet. Pure bodyweight and intimidation.

Brittney stops struggling and her heart begins to race even more as she starts to panic. I get off her and let her stand. She stays on the ground sitting in a pool of her own piss and blood. She must've really thought I was going to kill her. Pathetic.

I shift and a shirt is thrown at me. It was painful due to the huge gash on my right side but I didn't show it. I've still had worse. I pull the shirt over my head before standing up fully. I look at the mess that the succubus is in and walk towards Luca. Everyone was speechless after witnessing what just happened. The other two hellhounds took Britney away to treat her wounds.

Everyone started to go home after an hour of socializing. Dylan, Luca's delta, took Colton home for me. Luca and I pull up the driveway of the packhouse. I get out and head to the front door. 

"That was stupid of you to fight her." He's leaning against his car, disapointment clear on his face. I walk back down the porch stairs to him.

"I did what I had to do, end of story Luca." I state in a serious tone. The same tone I used after the challenge with Harley.

"It was stupid to put yourself in that position where you could've died." A trace of worry flashes in his eyes as he unfolds his arms. "You have no idea how hard it was for me seeing my mate in a fight and getting hurt yet I can't do anything about it." My face softens at his words. I didn't think about how he must feel now that he marked me. 

"I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore." I state. His hand barely touches my side and pain shoots through me but I refuse to let it show. "See? Nothing."

"Don't lie to me, Kat. I marked you remember? I can feel what you feel. Let's get you to the doctor." I look around and see a few pack members hanging around watching us argue. 

"There is no need for that when I'm perfectly fine." I slightly nod towards the onlookers. "Let's just go inside and get some rest." I take his hand mine and lead him to our room. I'm still a newcomer to the pack and refuse to let anyone know just how weak I truly am. 

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