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Anonymous asked: AHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved your story "For Her"!!! I just too much!!! I know your are very busy but do think you can you write another story about chapter 424? I this idea which Gray left Juvia because he turn evil, hopefully temporally. But he didn't know she was pregnant. So then years later he meets his little boy/girl who looks just like him and Juvia mixed up together. Can you write something like this? Pleas please please PLEASE!!!!!!!! Love U!!!!!!!!!


Fairy Tail was back together and Gray's heart ached to be with his friends again, with his family. The dark stain on his body had gone away and he was finally seeing the light, he could finally be himself again and he could finally go back home; to her.

God, he deserved to be shunned by Juvia after what he had done: slipping away in the middle of the night without an explanation after all they had been through?

After the fight that left both almost unconscious, Gray asked Natsu if he deserved go back to Fairy Tail and the pink haired boy told him he had no choice, that he had people waiting for him.

Gray thought it meant their guild mates in general until he arrived in Magnolia. He saw everyone but the one he needed to see the most.

"Where is Juvia?" Gray asked Lucy when he couldn't spot the familiar shade of blue hair.

The blonde's eyes softened and she pulled him away from where their friends were exchanging stories. "She rented a room, close to where I used to live. But Gray..." Lucy hesitated. "Too much happened in the past two years."

"I know." Gray sighed. "I don't know if she'll even listen to me, to my reasoning."

"She will." Lucy was quick to say, but Gray sensed she wanted to say more.

"What is wrong?"

The woman sighed. "Go see her. You'll understand when you go there." Lucy told him Juvia's new address. "And Gray?" He was about to leave when she called him. "Don't freak out." The Ice Mage was about to ask her what she meant, when Lucy turned around and returned to their friends.


Gray must've been standing in front of the door of the apartment for at least half an hour before he gathered the courage to knock. He could see her shadow from underneath the door knowing that she was just a few feet away from him.

After a burst of courage, Gray finally knocked and when she heard her say 'Just a moment', his heart almost burst out of his chest and just occurred to him that he had no idea what to tell her, what his excuse would be.

The moment the door opened and he saw her, his breath was knocked away from him. She had her hair in a ponytail, she was clearly wearing one of the shirts he left behind in their house – the one with a butterfly – and shorts.

She looked beautiful, just like he remembered.

"Juvia." He said after a moment. Juvia's blue eyes were wide, her mouth slightly open and seemed in shock – he couldn't blame her, after all, it had been two years.

"G-Gray-sama." The blunette breathed. "Are-are you really here?"

"Yes." Neither of them had moved yet. "I'm back." When she didn't give him any reaction, Gray took a step towards her. "Juvia, I'm so sorry. I never meant to..."

Without any notice, Juvia wrapped her arms around him. "I was so worried." She whispered while hugging him tightly. Gray, still dumbfounded she hadn't slapped him and told him to go to hell, slowly wrapped his own arms around her and it seemed as his world was back on it's tracks.

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