The Wildcat

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AN: I hope you like it!


The Wildcat


Gray arrived at Fairy Tail with his girlfriend and when she spotted some of the girls talking, the Redfox twins between them, so she kissed his cheek and went to join them while he looked around to see where he would sit until it was time to return home for the night.

At the opposite side of the Guild, he noticed a table where he found Laxus alongside with the rest of Raijinshuu, Cana and Natsu were together and when he heard giggles coming from the table Juvia went to, he decided he'd rather stay with the others instead.

"Hey, everyone." Gray greeted as soon as he arrived and received 'hellos' from everyone.

"How did the mission go?" Natsu asked – Gray had gone for a solo mission that only required an Ice Mage for a week.

"Rich people are crazy." Gray told them and he sat between Laxus and Bixlow. "It's the middle of the spring and he wanted to have a winter festival at his home?" He rolled his eyes. "I had to make some statues, keep the temperature low and all that crap. The food was nice, though."

"Were you well paid, at least?" Cana asked.

"Oh yeah." Gray waved towards Mira and she nodded, knowing his usual order. "He was stinking drunk when he paid me. Gave me a large bonus as well." He chuckled. "They partied for like, three days."

"So this round is on you?" The brunette asked, smirking.

"With how much you drink? Hell no." He snorted and everyone laughed and agreed, making Cana kick him underneath the table playfully.

Once Mira arrived with his beer and the group chatted for a while, until Gray, without meaning to, took off his shirt and it landed somewhere behind him and he didn't see the look on Bixlow's face.

"So... Gray." Bixlow said to get the Ice Mage's attention and he glanced his way. "Did you encounter any... wildcats on this mission of yours? Stray cats or whatever?"

Gray frowned at the weird question. "Uh... no? I was there to just keep the room cold."

"Ah, I see." The older man nodded and smirked. "Saw you come in with Juvia."

"I met her on the way to my apartment and we went there so I could take a shower and change clothes before we came here." He told the taller guy, confused with the conversation.

"Oh." Bixlow snickered.

"What's going on?" Natsu asked, confused and Gray shrugged, also confused.

"What's with the questions, Bixlow?" Cana wondered but it was Laxus who answered before he took a sip of his beer.

"He's pulling Gray's leg because his back is all scratched." The blonde said calmly. "And those are human... claws."

Gray's eyes widened and he looked over his left shoulder and then the right and he saw the red thin marks. It did look like a wildcat attacked but Gray knew the truth: the moment Gray closed the door from his apartment behind him, Juvia had been all over him and he had taken her against the wall.

She had to hold on to him, not that he minded at the moment, it had been a very good 'welcome home' celebration.

His face was so red everyone at the table who understood what happened, was laughing (besides Natsu who still looked confused).

"Oh, shit." He muttered to himself – not that he regretted reunion sex with his girlfriend, but the evidence was a bit embarrassing. Freed was chuckling lightly with Gray's embarrassment and everyone else seemed amused.

"Don't look so grim, my friend." Bixlow slapped him on the back. "Wear them proudly because if you have those marks, it means you did something right."

"Definitely." Evergreen agreed with a sigh and she looked wistfully at her boyfriend, who was with his sisters, trying to help them by the bar. "Excuse me for a moment." She got up and walked towards Elfman, leaving the group.

"Kill me now." Gray muttered, hiding his face with both his hands.

"Don't be embarrassed." Bixlow laughed. "No one doubts you are a virgin anymore."

"Wait, people doubted that?" Gray asked.

"We wondered." Freed shrugged.

Cana only took a glimpse of the scratches and hummed in agreement. "For what I assumed was a quickie, you were definitely doing the right thing, Gray." Her smile was a bit wicked. "I know you can do better than that. You should see Laxus' back when I'm done with him."

"You mean when I am done with you." Laxus raised an eyebrow.

Cana's eyes narrowed and so did Laxus', a strange energy between them and the challenge had been issued. "We should prove who is done with who."

"Yeah." Laxus agreed and got up the same time the brunette did. "See you guys later, I have something to prove."

"If you play your cards right, lightening boy, we will both prove it and win it." Cana winked at Gray, who became even redder, and then followed the blonde handsome man out of the guild.

"What is going on?" Natsu was clearly confused. "The air is filled with pheromones all of a sudden." He scrunched his nose in disgust.

Bixlow laughed. "It appears Gray's scratching marks set off some desires locked on people."

"Why would it be?" The Dragon slayer asked and Bixlow leaned to whisper to his ear and with every word, Natsu's face became redder and so did Gray's (who, by the way, had found his shirt and put it back on) because he knew Bixlow could be very crude when he wanted to. "Oh."

"Yeah." The older man chuckled. "Does Lucy leave scratches like that?" He wriggled his eyebrows.

"I don't... Maybe. Can we drop the subject?" Natsu muttered and Gray nodded in agreement.

"You two are no fun." Bixlow rolled his eyes. "Come on, Freed, let's go." He drank his beer with one gulp and Freed finished his wine. "Keep up the good work, Gray! See ya, Natsu."

Once they were gone and the only ones at the table were Natsu and Gray, the pink haired man glanced at Gray. "Next time, just say you faced a wildcat, man. I just say Happy attacked me in his sleep when Lucy gets... like that."

"Yeah, lesson learned, trust me." Gray told his friend and took a big gulp of his beer. "I'm surprised it took them all this time to notice it."

He really needed to talk to Juvia about the marks. He didn't have much high ground there, not when he loved to leave his own marks over her body – her clothes, though, allowed him to do it without suspicion. God, he loved to know she had a hickey on the top of her breast at that very moment.

Damn his habit of taking off his clothes at inappropriate times; now he'd need to ask her to keep the scratching to the minimum.

Nah, he thought after a minute, never mind, it was not worth the trouble. He could always tell people he encountered a wildcat. It wouldn't be too far from the truth, anyways.


AN: Just a little something that wouldn't leave my mind alone HAHA

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