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mira submitted: hello Bonney! i was wondering if u could write a short story about juvia feeling insecure about gray's love for her and gray quickly try to assure her that he's just as in love with her as she is with him! thank u! i really admire u btw

AN: I don't know if this is what you had in mind HAHA Also: thanks!


It wasn't often Juvia was the one in the doghouse; usually Gray was the one to screw up or say something hurtful, but that afternoon, she had been an idiot.

She used the keys of his apartment he had gave her months before and she made a lot of noise so to not surprise him too much.

The living room was empty and Juvia took her coat and boots off, hoping she wouldn't need to put them on to return to her room at Fairy Hills that night.

Taking a deep breath, she walked towards his bedroom and opened the door slowly and saw her boyfriend lying on his bed, reading a book and he didn't even look up to her. She hesitated, but hey, at least he wasn't screaming or glaring at her. Progress.

She stood at the doorway for a few seconds, unsure of what to do, but decided groveling was the way to go – it was what he always did when he upset her and she always forgave him. She would throw in a healthy dose of puppy eyes too, just in case.

Seeing he wasn't going to acknowledge her first, she sighed and got into bed next to him and even then, he kept reading – she suspected he was just staring at the paper, his eyes weren't moving at all.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, lying on her side. "Juvia... was very stupid earlier."

The Water Mage thought he wasn't going to answer her at all, Gray lowered the book to his bare stomach and finally looked at her and she could see he was still angry at her so she braced herself for it.

"You think I don't love you as much as you love me."

Juvia winced at his harsh tone and steely eyes. That afternoon, while everyone was discussing an article on a magazine about feelings in relationships, Juvia had mentioned how she knew she loved Gray more than he loved her and Gray, who had been silently hearing their friends talk, had stormed out.

She followed him, of course, and he told her she didn't know him as well as she thought and how wrong she was. The blunette was in such shock with his words that she just stood outside of Fairy Tail, confused and sad she hurt her Gray-sama.

"Juvia is sorry." She said it again. "Juvia knows you care, she knows we are together because you love her as well."

He narrowed his eyes. "Then why would you be so certain I don't love you as much as you do me? I don't say it much, but you know how important you are to me."

The blunette hesitated for a moment but decided she couldn't lie to him, not ever. "Juvia... loves you so much she can't even believe it herself. It's something so... deep and- and- and- earth shattering she can't picture anyone feeling this way about me." She didn't like to acknowledge that part of her, she hated how insecure she was of herself and how she didn't think she was worthy of him. "This feeling is too much to have it in someone else, especially about me. Juvia is just... she's just Juvia."

Gray's eyes finally softened with her words and Juvia looked away from him. Juvia didn't hesitate to put herself at risk to protect her loved ones, she always had a word or two of wisdom to share, she was always there to help her Gray-sama to deal with some darkness from his past and she rarely had the time to work on her own insecurities.

"Juvia." Gray sighed and put the book on his nightstand. He lied on his side to face her and he put a hand on her hip, making her feel much better. "Do you think I believed at first you were in love with me?" He asked and Juvia was surprised. "I am a complete mess. Well, not so much anymore because you fixed me a little, but I couldn't believe someone would fall in love with me."

"I did." She mumbled and Gray snorted.

"I know – doesn't mean I thought I was worthy of it, though." He gave a one shoulder shrug.

"But you are!" Juvia put a hand on his jaw. "You have such a big heart, Gray-sama, you are brave, kind. You can be very sweet too, you are always concerned about your friends and Juvia can't count the times you helped her feel better when she was down, you are such an amazing person, Gray-sama, Juvia can't believe you chose her to be with."

"I can say the exact same things about you and more." He told her with a pointed look. "If you can love me as much as you do, why can't I feel the same for you? Why is it so hard to believe I feel for you just as intensely?"

Juvia was taken aback with his words. It didn't make sense for him to love her as much as she loved him. Her Gray-sama was so great, amazing and she was just Juvia.

"I... I don't..." She tried but he didn't let her.

"You belittle yourself too much and I hate when you do that. You always complain when I'm the one doing that so you can't do it either." The Ice Mage told her.

"Juvia is just expecting the moment you will realize she's not for you, and then leave her."

"I am not leaving, Juvia!" Gray was clearly exasperated. "Somehow, we need to accept just how much we like each other, even if we think the other person is crazy because of it."

She chuckled softly. "We certainly are not very good examples of mental stability."

Gray snorted. "Isn't that the truth." She laughed with his words and Gray finally leaned her way and kissed her for a few moments, making her sight in contentment. "Promise you won't think that again."

The Water Mage pondered his words for a moment, since she wouldn't like to make a promise she wouldn't be able to uphold, especially a promise made to Gray. "I promise I won't think it as much."

After two seconds, Gray nodded, compromising. "It's enough for now. I will try to remind you how I feel from time to time"

"Thank you, Gray-sama." She said and kissed his lips. "IsJuvia out of the doghouse yet or she needs to get dressed and go to Fairy Hills?" 

Without giving her a second to get an answer, Gray flipped her to her back and got on top of her, trailing his lips from her own lips and jaw.

"Not when the best part is about to start." He told her. Juvia laughed and pulled him down to kiss her.

Making up was the best part of getting into a fight.

Maybe the doghouse wasn't that bad after all.


AN: My baby can be so insecure, the poor thing! T-T Thankfully Gray is having none of it. Haha

12/17/2017 ~ BonneyQ

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