The Ex

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Anonymous said: So we all know Juvia dated Bora. Could u imagine Juvia telling Lucy,Gray and Natsu? I can see Lucy patting her back like "poor girl" Natsu be like "come on Juvia I know u had bad taste sense you like Gray but really Bora!?" Then Gray is like "wait you dated someone before me!?" Haha I can see Gray being jealous. He seems like a person who doesn't like to share 😂 oh yeah then Gray punches Natsu because of Natsu comment about him.

AN: As usual, I went a bit rogue with it HAHA


The Ex


It was supposed to be just a regular double date until Juvia asked, in all her innocence: "So, Natsu-san and Lucy-san. How did you two meet? Juvia knows Lucy-san joined just a few months before her."

"It's a funny story, actually." Lucy chuckled and Natsu grinned, putting an arm on the chair behind his girlfriend. "I really wanted to join Fairy Tail, I heard it was great and I wanted to be just like Mirajane, famous." She said, feeling nostalgic. "And then one day I hear The Salamander was in town and everyone knew him."

"I am pretty famous." Natsu bragged and Juvia could almost feel her boyfriend's eyeroll.

"So... I run to this guy and I am drawn to him like never before." The blonde said. "The guy was pretty disgusting, but I was in a bit of a trance and he suddenly seemed okay. He was actually using a charm! That's when Natsu and Happy appeared." She glanced lovingly at her boyfriend. "The spell was broken and I paid him a meal."

"Lucy saved us from starving." Natsu chuckled.

"Awww, that's a cute meet-cute." Juvia beamed.

Natsu snorted. "Wait until you hear the rest. The guy, what was her name, Lucy? Sora?"


"Yeah, Bora, invited Lucy to a party pretending she would join Fairy Tail just to try and kidnap her into slavery! We kicked his ass, but-"

"Wait..." Juvia interrupted them, suddenly serious. "Did you say 'Bora'?" They nodded in confusion. "Tall, dark blue hair, tattoo covering the right part of his forehead, just above his right eyebrow?"

The three remaining people at the table looked at her in surprise.

"Yes." Lucy said eventually. "How do you know that?"

"Oh my god." Juvia paled considerably. "Oh my god, he did that? He was going to sell you into slavery?"

"Yeah, he was a scumbag." Natsu said in a matter-of-a-fact tone.

"How do you know him?" Gray finally asked, curious about how his girlfriend knew the son of a bitch. Perhaps she had caught him at a job before?

"Please, please, please don't judge Juvia, she is just learning about it." She moaned in annoyance. "Bora... is Juvia's ex-boyfriend."

The silence at the table was deafening. Juvia's cheeks were red in embarrassment; she couldn't believe her ex turned out to be a criminal! And one of the worst kind!

"Your what?" Lucy asked in disbelief.

"Damn, Juvia. Your taste in men isn't the best – look at Gray – but Bora? Really?" Natsu scrunched his nose.

"What do you mean your 'ex-boyfriend'?" Gray was completely at lost.

Juvia's eyes widened in horror as she realized she never told Gray about Bora – there was never really reason to and honestly, she forgot she even dated him!

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