Is this the end?

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Shakily holding the steering wheel, Gary arrived at Robbies mums

"Right come on, be good for grandma" Gary softly said trying to hide his anger not wanting his kids to see him this angry. Taylor bounced out the car and up the little path leading up to the house while Oscar stayed at Gary's feet looking worried

" daddy okay?" The little angelic voice gripped Gary's attention and he looked down to his right seeing his sons deep brown eyes that were fully of worry "hey listen to me" Gary cupped his face as he kneeled down to the child's height "daddy is okay, me and him just need to have a chat okay?"

"Please don't fight"

"Oh Oscar" Gary sighed as his heart broke a little, he didn't know what to say to him so he just hurled him into a hug which Oscar accepted and returned holding Gary tightly. Looking down from her door, Janet, Robbies mum was watching the father son moment as her granddaughter waited for Gary and Oscar

"Gary love, is everything okay? You'd normally call" she was clearly a bit concerned since Gary's just turned up out the blue, he can't let her know her son is back drinking can he?

Gary's view

Looking at her I can't help but fill with sadness, holding oscars hand still I blink washing away any tears that threatens to fall and speak

"Can you..can you look after for a few hours I'm so sorry I didn't call but it's important" stumbling over my words I place a hand on my sons back silently telling him to go in the house, he looked up at me again to which I supportively winked at him and he wandered off in the house looking for Pete, Robbies dad. Taylor on the other hand wasn't stupid. She knew something had gone on but was very good at hiding it

"I'm sorry princess but I'll be back later to pick youse up again, I promise" I softly offer her and she nods understandingly, as I go to turn around and walk away 4 words that leave my daughters mouth

"I love you dad"

"Taylor go and see grandad darlin" Janet said as she looked at me seeing I nearly broke into tears as Taylor said that. She wondered off into the house and Janet stepped closer to me placing both hands on my sides looking for eye contact as my head hung low looking at the ground trying to keep my composure

"I can't tell you" I barley know I've spoke my self as my words reach her hears and she nods keeping silent "I want to, I really want to but just please make sure the kids are happy for a few hours" my still slightly shaking hand wipes a tear from my cheek. Lifting my chin up with her fingers she looks into my darkened green eyes and wipes the tears of my face, god if Only she knew.

"Whatever it is, it'll be okay" with that I smiled weakly, nothing's going to be okay ever again. I kiss her check and tell her I love her before I go back to my car as she watches me drive off, still somehow managing to keep the tears in. All that's left to do now is talk this out with Robbie and for me to try and not blow up

Back at the house

I pull up in the driveway of the house and seen bags on the doorstep that were quickly joined by Robbie. What the hell is he doing? He's not just leaving and not explaining what he's done, oh no he's going to look me in the eye and tell me every last detail

"Where do you think you're going?" Walking up to him his head snaps up on hearing my emotionless voice, it's almost gone monotone, right now I feel numb. So fucking numb.

"I thought...well...I'm going to a hotel..."

Not letting him finish I open the door as I spoke again "think again. Inside, now!"

He nodded and stayed quiet as he left his bags on the doorstep and followed me back into the house. It was so quiet. This house is usually full of love, laughter, happiness. Not today. Not of late. All that's in this house is, anger, upset, nerves, lies.

"Who was she" it's a simple question to which he went to speak but stopped himself, it's evident he doesn't even know her name. Throwing my keys on the side table my hands are still trembling with anger and that didn't go unseen by Robbie. Feeling his hand go on to mine I instantly snatch my hand away

"Don't...don't touch me" I can't bare to be in his company but this needs to be done, I need answers and I need them now

"For months now Gary I've been struggling, always thinking it'll get better but It never did. I tried, I really fuckin tried but you're never here and I started to think we were coming to an end. I thought...shit I thought you didn't love me anymore" he's fidgeting with his fingers as he spills what I'm supposed to believe is the truth.

"You..thought what?" Shocked isn't even the word. I felt my heart literally sink as the words left his mouth. I don't even feel sad, it's more anger I'm feeling

"You think I don't love you? Are you being serious, Robbie everything I do, every little fucking thing I do is for you. For us. For the kids my life evolves around YOU!" Moving closer to him I can clearly see in his eyes he's scared of what I'm going to do, the bloody idiot thinks I'm going to hit him

3rd person

Robbie was beginning to sweat slightly as he watched Gary pace the floor then walk up to the younger man.

Clenching his fists Gary can't comprehend what's going on and no matter what Robbie says it's not going to help "the kids..."

"Don't you even dare bring my kids into this!"

"Our kids" Robbie correct Gary, which was a mistake he quickly realised

"Our kids? Yeah were you thinking of 'our kids' when you were shagging some women huh? Tell me were you thinking of our family when you went and got blind drunk after being 17 years alcohol free!! Come on Robbie tell me, what exactly where you thinking about because it wasn't fuckin us!" Gary's voice got louder and louder as he went on and his anger was on the brink

"I didn't sleep with her.."

"My backside you didn't!! I don't believe a word you say now! I had to stand there and lie to your bloody mother and say everything was fine and that we were fine. How can we be fine if you don't speak to me, how can I possibly know what's going on up here" Gary pointed towards his own head as he ranted and Robbie just watched him.

He was right, all Robbie had to do was talk to him but he's felt so trapped for so long he's just broke.

"How the fuck can I talk to you when you're never here?! You're always working or off up to Manchester with 'josh' do you have fun with him yeah? Make you feel free does he"

"Are you being fuckin serious!! You're insinuating I'm having an affair..."

"Well can you blame me"

"YES I CAN" Gary roared and this time his anger has gone well passed breaking point and Robbie knew he crossed the line "I went to Manchester to make a show that'll make Us money! That'll give our kids a future so they'll never have to ask why we don't have money! I do all of what I do for us, I've gave you everything and I've continued to do so and you stand there looking like a fuckin victim of an affair"

"Get out" Gary's voice went quiet, Robbie had to strain his ears to properly hear him "are you deaf lad?! I said get the fuck out" Gary basically shouted making Robbie flinch and regret everything he's said

"Gary I'm..."

"Get out of my house before I kick you out" Gary gritted his teeth looking Robbie straight in the eye and for the first time he felt nothing for Robbie

Is their marriage over?

That's the question that circled both of the men's minds as Gary watched Robbie leave out the door and pick up his bags and get in his car driving off in tears

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