A warrior is born in the fires of revenge

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A year passed,it was now 21st of July and Derek's birthday was coming up in a week,roashack and rosemary were shocked how after a year apparently everything around the capital and state itself had been peaceful,eerily peaceful since frankie and his mob haven't attacked any bank or museum or armored truck or any common stores however as they thought about it to themselves it made sense since frankie's
connections had been cut by killing his brother,roashack kept repeating in his mind."never compromise,not even in the face of Armageddon".Suddenly Vivien and Derek burst through the doors with excitement after getting home from school,it was a huge relief they came back safe with Mr S,roashack's choice as a godfather to Vivian and Derek if anything could happen to the him and rosemary.Mr S walked in behind them,his tall thin intimidating stature,same old as always but surprisingly a really nice guy.

Mr S : "Hello all,I'm back with Derek and Vivian,roashack before i forget...i need those...important papers"

Roashack stood in bewilderment for a couple seconds until he remembered what S was talking about,those papers had blueprint plannes for the pipeline in the deepest part of Lake Johnson,oddly enough S had quite the big undertaking with this pipeline,he did own the entire park after all.

Roashack : "Here you go old friend,of you need anything else just call,I will be here without a doubt because me and the wife have to finish wrapping some presents....also please don't let the kids know...ok?

Mr S : "No problem at all bud but don't you think it is time the kids know about their birthright?Derek will be 9 now and Vivian is 16,mabye she could handle it better than he can at his age but still we all know you can't hide the inevitable from them,they take directly after you two and solving mysteries....stuff like that you know?

Roashack : "Yeah i know S.....i know but i can't help but feel as if it is a good idea or not,it's a ridiculous amount of pressure to put on two kids,please don't hesitate to tell them if i fail to tell them when they are 20 or something like that but before that time arrives at this doorstep,their birthright will be hidden...do you understand it's for the better"!

Mr S just frowned,then looked atbthe family portrait,then back at roashack,then at the kids and rosemary talking about whatever it was in the kitchen,he then nodded in agreement begrudgingly and walked out of the house with a horrible feeling but he had other things to worry about,like frankie and his mob.

Mr S : "Why...no no...how....no....where
....haven't they attacked?Heaven obly knows,i hope we get more information about them soon or else frankie could be somewhere across America about to go incognito for an inside job....or mabye they are all still here in NC....but where....where is the question....i best leave this stuff to Roashack and Rosemary.

However secretly,upstairs in their rooms,Derek and Vivian knew all along about their legendary birthright,their bloodline of warriors,unbroken for thousands of years and they were the last full blooded heirs to the throne of the black iron legion,lead by apollo and Apollyon,soon before anyone in house knew what was about to happen to them,three hitmen were ready at their positions,for the grand sneak attack that had been practiced for a year,frankie gave them the all clear sign over the comms and in the blink of an eye everything went up i  flames and explosions,the house was shaking,things were breaking,screams,gunshots,smoke,
and five dead bodies by the end of it all.The hitmen lay dead,S was alive with the kids,but the parents also sadly lay dead as well,they had fought selflessly for their beloved son and daughter,S and his best friend Jane had to now raise and train Derek and Vivian.

Roashack : "Never compromise,ever,never submit,never go done without a fight,even in the face of Armageddon".

Rosemary : "if you know the enemy and also know yourself,you need not fear the outcomes of thousands of battles...i promise...we will see you again".

The kids were crying for hours,S couldn't hold back his tears either but he had to get a strong hold of himself for the kids,he and Jane is all they have dor parents now.

Frankie : "What have i done.....what did i just do to myself?!.....why do i still feel deep unending fear?!....WHY"!?

So readers....that escalated quickly right?I mean that really got out of hand fast huh?.....welp see you all later as the plot thickens.

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