memories of bittersweet stories

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Derek couldn't comprehend the fact that he and Vivian were the last surviving full blooded relatives of all these legend warriors,leaders,geniuses,however what he found so astonishing is that within that power point presentation,Dr Josiah had pointed to his beloved grandfather,Victor Reznov,a Russian soldier in ww2,from the siege of Stalingrad to the fall of Berlin.He as he lay on the bed in the darkness of his and commander Spencer's qauaters,while the commander was asleep,Derek couldn't even close his wondering eyes,he remembered over and over again the war stories that is grandfather told him,the pictures,the old film,the documents,Derek was terrified of something like that could ever happen again in existence of humanity on earth,he thought it would be near to impossible but that is what people said after WW1.Meanwhile Vivian was having some very different thought processes while driving back to her penthouse.

Vivian : What if he doesn't decide to come back home?What if he wants to stay aboard the RCI Infinity?What if commander Spencer holds true to his promise about using his version of diplomacy when meeting with the disgruntled Chinese government which is in his own words "the art of keeping them talking until sergeant major Joey's snipers are in range"
..............i over heard him and Josiah talking about that as they were walking to get Derek.....why does he hope to trigger war?Does he just want peace through superior firepower?Does he want to go down in history?Does he want wars to end?Can me and Derek ever be able to live normal lives after all of this?Her questions would go unanswered until tomorrow.

Derek : Grandfather Reznov,tougher than nails,yet caring for me and Vivian as if we were his own children,not just grandchildren,and grandmother katyusha,what a wonderful woman,so brave against the nazi blitz.

Derek started to look around in his drawers for Reznov's war log,he never wanted anyone to read it except for Derek and Vivian because he said "there is something very special within and a distinctly crucial future path to preserve our family lineage.They will be allowed to read it".......what on earth did he mean?Well Derek knew what his grandfather was precisely talking about as he remembered that day very vividly,however he found the book,opended it,and began to read carefully.

Derek : This is me,this is who i was destined to become,this is my life,this is who i am created by the almighty.Vivian.....oh no the questions she must be racking her brain over right now.

Instantly he called her and she picked up,Derek started to answer the questions she had been worrying over for about an hour and a half....Vivian felt a great wave of relief over her....she could sleep peacefully now and so could Derek but only for one more day before WW3 would be triggered be the RCI.
Derek had very strict Christian background.

Welp don't worry anyone out there who is just now uncomfortable with that,but it is important to the story,and you should not mind it at all because it isn't going to make a huge impact on the dialog of the characters.

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