The rise of two new detectives

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Several years have passed and Derek graduated high school to then join buds class training to become a navy seal,while Vivian went to college in the ivy league Harvard University,she became a great private detective hired by the FBI.Derek was stationed over seas in Pakistan because a civil war erupted after hundreds of civilians were slaughtered by the country's corrupted leader,supportedby Russia.Derek and the rest of seal team 7 landed in the capital at night clearing the way to the dictator,assassinating him,assainll within 15 minutes,this would he known as operation tiger seal.Vivian always worried about Derek in these operations but Derek assured her that he was fine since he was super soldier,he was augmented 10 times in this "Spartan Program",unbelievable strength,speed,intelligence,and hundreds of abilities yet to be discovered and used in combat,however what made him especially different from everyone else in the program was his very mysterious yet fascinating bloodline.

It was a pleasant cool autumn day,it was Saturday,a supposedly relaxing day for Derek and his squad,however all that was about to change into a very weird day for Derek.Derek was sleeping in his bunk bed until he heard footsteps dowm the hall,he sprung up from the bed and ran into the hallway,a sight for sore eyes,seeing his best friend Dr Josiah,the current leading Dr in the "Spartan program" and commander Spencer behind him,the commander of the private military corporation "Red Cobra Inc".

Josiah : "Hello Derek,i trust you have had a relaxing day so far as you have no operations for the next few weeks correct"?

Derek : "Yes that is correct Dr Josiah".

Derek's voice,ever since his parents died,was always deep,monotone,but always threatening to hear,his footsteps as loud as an elephant as he walked towards the two of them,this was only when he didn't activitie incognito mode though.

Spencer : "Glad to hear you killed that corrupt leader in Pakistan,now ican invade with my reaper and behemoth forces,trust me,the men and women of my corporate thank you".

The reaper were cruiser warships,not only for seas but also for sky and space warfare.The behemoth was a massive hovercraft tank,meant for any ground combat.

Derek only nodded,with a bit a smirk on his face,he was also very emotionless,at least he never showed them to anyone,not even S or Jane but only to Vivian.

Josiah : "I need to talk to you about the blood test i did on you about a week now an ok time or should we do this debrief later"?

Derek : "No Dr,i prefer to get this blood test analysis out of the way now....i haven't got anything better to do around here but sleep,eat and train".

Josiah nodded in agreement,so did the Spencer,the two then started walking with Derek behind them while on the way to the head science lab of Dr Josiah.

Josiah : "If he ever freaks out i have to find a way to stop him,this could mean serious ad possibly fatal trouble for us if we can't control him,if he loses control of himself,his berserk mode could be harnessed but only Spencer has the blueprints to complete that project.Why does he want to see it happen so badly"?

They arrived at the lab,Derek and Spencer sat in the two chairs on one side of the hologram table while Josiah sat on the other side,pressing buttons until he brought up a power point presentation of the bloodline of Derek.Just then an unexpected visitor came through the door,it was Vivian,Derek was shocked because he forgot she would be visiting today to spend some quality time with him.

Josiah : "What is the meaning of this abrupt interruption,how did you even get the clearance to come aboard the RCI Infinity warship?!Can anyone explain this to me"!?

The RCI Infinity warship was like the reaper warships.

Spencer : "I do say ole chap there is no need to make such a fuss,that is Derek's sister,older sister,Vivian isher name."

Josiah was shocked but turned to Derek for confirmation and Derek nodded again im reassurance.

Josiah : "Alright then,I'll allow it,sit down and listen because this is going to take a very long time,and listen extremely carefully because i don't want to repeat myself since this is so would confuse me again".

Everyone chuckled except for Derek,who was starring attentively at the bottom of power point chart showing the link connecting his father and mother.

Almost there i know....i know but it is good suspense right?Ok it will be revealed.

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