Always a Tragedy

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Confess your sins
They told me once
So I bowed my head and prayed a bunch
But still I couldn't outrun the grins
Of the dead men come back again

They chased me from those grand church doors
I fled into the graveyard behind
I was so lost and could not find
A way out from the endless stores
Of the dead men come back again

I collapsed there among the rows
Of tombstones so gray and old
I died there on the creeping mold
And received the many, many blows
Of the dead men come back again

From the horror and endless moans
I rose again to walk the earth
And moved to destroy the others mirth
So I dashed their fun upon the stones
Of the dead men come back again

The deed done we all cracked smiles
We watched their tears come pouring out
And the prayers they talked so much about
Fall on the deaf ears and endless miles
Of the dead men come back again

The faith I knew turned into hate
And set me on an angry and vengeful path
To make them understand my wrath
And why I had passed through the gate
Of the dead men come back again

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