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Dipper Pines stared out the window of the bus, bored. It was his third year visiting Gravity Falls for the summer with Mabel but something just seemed off.

Maybe its because we'll be turning sixteen? A sweet sixteen party is a big thing. He wondered as he glanced at his sleeping sister who insisted they both call the party a "sweet sixteen". Waddles was curled up in her lap, also asleep.

"Gravity Falls. Just up ahead. You might want to wake Mabel." The bus driver called. They had known him for the last three years now.

"Thanks for the warning Gannon." Dipper smiled and set to work rousing his drowsy sister and her equally as tired pig. "Come on Mabes. We're almost home."

Mabel cracked open one eye. "Good morning Dip Dot." She yawned and sat upright. Dipper rolled his eyes and chuckled before pulling the journal out of his bag to read during the last stretch.

"Hey Mabel, check this out." Dipper pointed to a picture before reading the text aloud. "Bill confused me thoroughly. I saw him muttering something about a younger brother. He does have Will Cipher, but who is this younger brother? Is he dangerous?"

"Bill has siblings?" Mabel raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, he has a twin brother named Will. And apparently a younger brother too." Something that was buried deep in Dipper's subconscious stirred. Something that wasn't a lie.


"Dipper! Mabel!" Both Stan and Ford called when the twins stepped off the bus. They ran forward and hugged their great uncles.

Wendy, now nineteen, walked up to them and hugged them too. "Glad you're back little dudes. Although you aren't so little anymore." She laughed when she realized that Dipper was taller than her and Mabel was as tall as her.

"Glad to be back. How's your girlfriend? Eliza was her name right?" Dipper asked. Finding out that Wendy was lesbian didn't hurt him as much as he thought it would.

"She's taking an overseas trip." Wendy sighed. "And yeah."

"Dipper, let get back to the chitchat later. Something urgent has come up." Ford grabbed Dipper's attention. "Bill, he's moved."

"What? How is that possible?" Dipper asked, placing the journal into his bag and pulling out his own. He flipped it open and began scribbling in dark blue pen. "I'll check it out once we get our stuff back to the shack. Come on." He grabbed his things and marched to the shack to deposit them.


"He's moved alright." Dipper mumbled as he sketched Bill's new position into his journal. He took off his hat and scratched his head before stumbling back on hiss ass as Bill moved again. He sat frozen in fear as Bill broke free from his stone prison and looked around.

Bill focused on Dipper. Primarily the peculiar birthmark decorating his forehead. "Can it be?" He muttered, leaning forward. Dipper leaned back, obviously afraid. Bill caught it and straightened out again. "I'm sorry."

This time Dipper's breathing stopped for a moment. "Did you just, apologize?"

"Yes." Bill nodded the best he could while in his geometric form.

"Why?" Dipper raised one eyebrow.

"I hadn't meant to scare you."

"You're a demon."

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