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Dipper shook his head as he woke, his fever was gone but he could've sworn her heard someone murmur "Get well soon little brother." He glanced around the room, sensing something was off. Out of the corner of his right eye, the eye he thought was blind, he saw the faint outline of a shadow.

"Come out!" He whisper-yelled, grabbing the nearest weapon - Mabel's grappling gun.

"You'll try to kill me." Bill replied from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Dipper stood a little straighter.

"Promise you won't try to hurt me? I don't mean to hurt you or the rest of this town." Bill said, slowly stepping out of the shadows. "You don't recognize this form but its me, Bill." Dipper aimed the gun. "Hey! You said you wouldn't,"

"I didn't say anything." Dipper grit his teeth.

"Okay then, let me promise something. I promise I won't hurt anyone in this town. The only reason for weirdmageddon was because I was missing someone very dear to me." Bill raised his hands in surrender.

"Who?" Dipper's hold on the gun wavered ever so slightly.

"My little brother." Bill stepped cautiously forward as Dipper's grip loosened more. "I finally found him."

"Then why are you here? What's his name?"


"Does he look like you? With only one eye?"

"No. He was born with both eyes. Unlike me, Will or our eldest brother Kill."


"Yeah. And he had this little birthmark under his ear that was shaped like a Pinetree."

"How old is he?"

"He's fifteen but his birthday is in a few hours and he'll come into his powers then."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because you aren't who they tell you you are."

"How would you know?"

"Adrian had one shining blue eye and one brown eye. His blue eye was his demon eye, allowing him to see other demons in the room with him. I know you saw me. When you were three, I lost you because you fell down a hill, causing amnesia and you were taken in by a kind family. I know you remember me, Will and Mom in your dreams, I am a dream demon. You are too."

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. What the hell are you saying."

Bill checked the clock. "You'll see in eight hours but, let me show you something." He held out his hand.

"Didn't you already make a deal with me before? Can't you come and go as you please?" Dipper stared at the hand.

"It works like that on humans. You have to give me permission each time." Bill sighed, his hand still outstretched. Dipper hesitated. "I promise I won't hurt you. Lucifer knows if I did Will would kill me."

"Your twin brother?" Dipper guessed.

Bill smirked. "I never told anyone he was my twin. Only that he was my brother." Dipper muttered something under his breath then sighed and took Bill's hand cautiously. Instantly the scene around them changed.

They stood in a small house - it was more a shack actually - and three people stood in front of them. One had blonde hair, one had blue and the third had red. The redhead was obviously older and was holding something above the other two's heads.

"Come on Kill! Give it back! That's for the new baby!" The blonde was jumping and reaching for the object, whatever it was. It looked like a blanket. The blue haired boy sat on the floor sniffling. The blonde turned to him for a moment. "Will, go check on mom."

"She shouldn't even still be alive." Kill sneered. "She should've died after having me. And not lived on to have some pathetic excuses for demons, Bill."

Dipper looked from the Bill beside him to the twelve year old in front of him. "How old are you?"

The Bill beside him smiled kindly. "Twenty eight actually. Twelve and a half years older than you. Now watch."

The twelve year old Bill frowned. "Will is not pathetic and neither and I! We don't have our powers yet."

"Little Will is a bawl baby." Kill taunted.

"He was born like that! Unlike you who doesn't care about anyone."

"We're demons."

"We're still family Kill. Why can't you see this? We're stronger if we stay together." Bill - both Bills - had tears in their eyes.

Kill scoffed. "You'll just hold me back, kid." He snapped his fingers and disappeared in a brilliant red flame burning the blanket with it. Bill trudged out of the room and the duo that watched followed.

"Kill always wanted nothing but power. He was greedy. I admit, I picked a little of that up from him but that's because he was the only person I had to look up to. Will looks up to me." The older Bill sighed and placed his hands in his pockets before producing a piece of paper. "I know you drew this." He handed it to Dipper. It was the picture he drew a few days ago. "And I know you remember me and Will. Or else you wouldn't have known what we looked like as kids."

"I guess." Dipper was suddenly unsure. He looked up at the sound of a baby crying.

"What's his name?" Will asked - while Dipper unconsciously mouthed the words with him.

"How about Adrian. Adrian James Cipher. That has a nice ring to it huh?" Their mother smiled down at them. Bill beamed and watched the baby open his eyes.

"He has both eyes." Bill said in a hushed whisper. His hand touched his eyepatch - then it was just a bandage. "Can I hold him mom?"

"Be careful."

Bill noticed a small birthmark below the baby's ear. "Hmm. How about I call you Pinetree. My baby brother Pinetree."

"Billy!" Will laughed. "He isn't even a day old yet and you're already nicknaming him?"



They returned to Dipper's bedroom and Dipper fell down on the bed. "Was that all true? That wasn't a dream was it?"

"That was actually my memories." Bill sighed.

"So if it really was true and I can trust you that you aren't lying, does that mean I'm like you?" Dipper furrowed his brow.

"A demon, yes." Bill nodded, his hands clasped behind his back.

"And we're related?"


"Do you, do you know who D and M. Gleeful are?" Dipper grabbed the note from the day prior and handed it to Bill. He didn't even look at it.

"Yes, I do actually. They're you and Shooting Star's counterparts. They live in the dimension Will does."

"Really? So does that mean their names are Dipper and Mabel?"

"Yes Ad- Dipper."

Dipper lowered his head. "I'm going to trust that you didn't lie to me. So you may call me by who you remember me as."

"Thank you, Adrian."


Adrian has always been my favorite boy's name besides James.

I really have to know, what's your favorite boy and girl name?




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