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When Dipper woke up the next day it was because he was sick. Really sick. He raced to the bathroom and puked until all he was doing was dry heaving. Finally he stood and looked in the mirror. Two brown eyes reflected back at him but his right eye was irritating him, making him take out the brown tinted contact. Now one brown and one clouded blue eye showed.

"No way am I putting that back in today." Dipper grumbled, grabbing a washcloth and tying it about his head in a makeshift eyepatch. He pressed the heel of his hand to his good eye since his blue eye was blind and wouldn't do much good for the headache pounding around in his skull. He kept hearing the same thing over again. "Adrian. Adrian. Adrian." And the name sounded painfully familiar. But he couldn't place it.

"You okay in the Dipping Sauce?" Mabel knocked on the door.

"Yeah." Dipper replied, his voice hoarse for puking and sleep. "Just a little fever."

"Well then you'd better get back to bed. I'll go tell the Grunkles." Mabel's receding footsteps left the door and Dipper stumbled out and into his room. He flopped on the bed and lay back. A note fluttered down from the end table.

 A note fluttered down from the end table

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"D. Gleeful? M. Gleeful? Who-" Dipper shook his head and retrieved the vial of bluish liquid from the table. Sighing, he drank it; because honestly, gravity falls was a grab bag anymore, nd a warm feeling spread through him. Almost instantly his headache was gone as well as his upset stomach. But he could already tell that his fever hadn't broken so he climbed into bed and curled under the covers. Instantly he was asleep and Bill, Will along with the Gleeful twins appeared in the room. Mabel Gleeful locked the door as Dipper Gleeful checked Dipper Pines' temperature.

"The potion worked, his fever is going down. Slowly but surely." Dipper G straightened and untied the washcloth from around the younger Dipper's eye.

"What are you doing Mason?" Mabel G asked her brother.

Dipper G raised an eyebrow. "Checking to make sure we didn't waste our time on some mortal. If my counterpart is indeed who this idiot," Dipper G gestured to Will and Bill frowned, "says he is then that would mean I am at least part demonic entity. As for you though, your counterpart is mortal. Making you mortal." With a little help of his own magic, Dipper G opened Dipper's right eye. Shining up at them was a large dark blue eye, bluer than the Gleeful twins', but it was clouded.

"Well, we didn't waste our time." Mabel G sighed. "But why is it cloudy?"

"Because he's been living with humans." Will explained. "And wearing contacts. But once his sixteenth birthday comes, it'll clear up. It has too."

"Well you're oddly sanguine." Bill commented with a smirk.

"We've been looking for him since he was three. Now that we finally found him..." Will trailed off. He pushed his hair from his eyes and looked happily at the Gleeful twins. "Thank you, at the moment he is more human than the demon he was born as." Of course the ever present tears shown in his big blue eye.

"As much as I hate doing this, thank you." Bill smiled. "Now let's just hope our eldest brother doesn't get to him." He pushed some of Dipper's bangs away from his sleeping face and smiled softly. Dipper G scoffed at the act but didn't speak.

"So, you two never told us if his name was actually 'Mason'." Mabel G raised and eyebrow.

"Adrian. Adrian James Cipher." Will supplied.

"And who is this 'eldest brother'?" Dipper G crossed his arms after straightening his shirt.

"Kill. Kill Cipher." Bill sighed. "If you believe me to be bad, then you don't want to meet him. I don't take lives for fun."

"You two do like to trick people a lot though." Will pointed out.

"I learned that from him. That's the only good thing that came out of him." Bill grumbled. He sighed and looked up. "You three might want to get back to your own dimension. Before Adrian wakes up. I'll keep an eye on him."

"Will." Mabel G turned sharply, making Will jump.

"Don't do that to him." Bill growled threateningly.

"F-ine." Mabel G sassed. She grabbed her brother and Will before all three disappeared. Bill melted into the shadows, watching as Dipper stirred a little.

"Get well soon, little brother."


"So," a demon with wild red and black hair perched outside the window, having listened to the conversation "little Adrian is still alive huh? He laughed under his breath, the sound edged with insanity. "I'm going to have a lot of fun."

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