Chapter 9

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•Zane's POV•

Despite having gotten used to most aspects of being human again, there were some things I was still not used to. Like the way my heart pounded as if I had too much caffeine when Cole sat beside me, or the way my breath caught in my throat every time he smiled. Not to mention the way my sister could make my blood boil from the smallest of actions. But that was typical for a sibling.

The worst part was that I kept mulling over what my mother had told me. Just tell him. As if it were the easiest thing on the planet to do, as if it would not risk the strongest friendship I had formed.

"You alright?" I jerked, having not noticed Nat approach.

"Yes. I am quite alright."

"You ssssure?" I nodded. "Ok then. Ssssssee ya."

For as odd as she was, I was glad that she could always tell when someone (like me) did not wish to talk. I spotted Cole sitting a bit apart from the others. He seemed tired, so I approached, worried that he may not be feeling well.

"Are you alright?" I questioned, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." He shrugged. "Guess I'm still not full strength yet." Cole gave a small laugh.

"Would you prefer to lay down a while?" He nodded and stood, a tad shaky. I offered to let him lean on me, which he gratefully accepted, and I led him to our shared room. My heart was pounding as I noticed things I had never noticed, or been able to notice,  previously. His head only came up to my chin. I could feel his rough hands where he held my arm for support. My heart was pounding. It was exhilarating, knowing that now there was the small chance of us to be together.

I helped him settle onto the bed, turning over what my mother had said. Just tell him. Just tell him.

"Cole, I..." He looked up at me from where he sat on the lower bunk. I couldn't do this. "I'll let you get some rest."
•Cole's POV•

I could've sworn he was going to say something. Maybe a confession? Letting me know he likes me? No, that was stupid. It was nothing but wistful thinking. Still, I didn't want him to leave so soon.

"You, uh, you don't have to go." I mumbled, reaching out to his hand. He stared at me, almost shocked. Maybe I shouldn't've asked... But then he sat down beside me. I felt a bit dizzy. He was so close, our hands were nearly touching. It would be so easy to... no. I couldn't think like that. So I tried to play it cool. "So, your mom seems cool."

"Yes, she is quite powerful, and was considered quite lovely in her youth. I think she still is."

"I guess that's where you get your looks." I forced a laugh, hoping to cover the fact I hadn't meant to say that out loud. He smiled.

"I am thankful you are alright. If anything had happened..."

"Look, Zane. It wasn't your fault." He shifted uncomfortably. There was something he wasn't telling me and I just had to know. "What is it?"

"You..." He hesitated, "You were possessed by my mother's sister. Mother contained her to the mountains, but in attaching herself to you she broke mother's hold."

I frowned. "Let me get this straight, your evil aunt possessed me and because your mom's out of that crystal tree or whatever, she's free?"

He nodded. My stomach turned inside out. We were all in danger now because of my stupid mistake. I shouldn't have let my curiosity get the better of me.

"Zane, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"No, Cole, I am sorry. You were a victim of her games. If anyone is at fault it is my father and I, as we did not give any prior warning. And because of that I... we... nearly lost you." Had I heard that right? Aside from the realization that I could've died, had Zane said he'd nearly lost me? The others were an afterthought, but it could have been a mistake.

"I'm glad I didn't die." The look on his face unsettled me. A thought settled heavy in my chest. I hadn't just been about to die. Something much worse had been in store for me. "Zane, tell me what happened. Please."

He took a shaky breath. "My aunt is able to corrupt beings. Her followers consist of all the souls she had corrupted. Of course, in the early stages my mother is able to purify them and thus prevent them from turning. But you had been so far gone..." Zane was shaking, so I put a hand on his shoulder. His next words came out soft and shaky, but were like ice water soaking through my skin. "The purification nearly ripped you apart. You could have either been lost or killed, and I don't know which would have felt worse."

My ears were buzzing. I felt like I was going to puke as everything came back to me. The burning of tar in my throat, the voice, being able to feel myself slipping into darkness. And then there was the pain. Oh god, the pain. Blinding white as I was nearly ripped from myself. I couldn't breathe as I felt arms around me. Blindly I reached out, grabbing onto the first thing my hands came in contact with. Soft and cold. Not much, but enough.
•Zane's POV•

What had I done? I wrapped my arms around Cole as he gasped for air. Making an attempt not to panic, I rubbed his back.

"Shhh... you are safe. I have you." I lowered the air temperature as he grabbed me, holding on as best he could. "You are safe now. She can't hurt you so long as you are here with us."

I continued speaking softly as Gradually he calmed, but we sat for a while longer, his head pressed to my chest and my arms around him. Had it been any other circumstance I would have relished the closeness, but all I felt was guilt.

"Cole, I'm so sorry."

"Zane..." His voice was hoarse.

"Would you like me to get my mother?"

He nodded and I loosened my grip, lowering him onto the pillows. I let him rest, hoping next time we got that close I would not ruin it like this time.

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