Chapter 4

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Hey guys, here's another chapter. I'll only update the next one August 6th bc I'll go on vacation to Spain, so I'll be a little busy. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Me and Brandon were cuddling in the janitors' room, recovering from our tireness due to what just happened between us when suddenly we heard voices coming from outside.
"Did you find her?"
"No. Where is she?! It's time for her to blow the candles! Everybody's waiting!" yells someone with a familiar voice.
Crap! That's my mom's voice!  I totally forgot that I was in MY birthday party! Everyone must be wondering where the heck I am.
"Nikki...that's your parents talking?" Brandon whispered.
"Yes! We need to get back to the party! Let's get dressed and get outta here" I whisper-yell, standing up and putting my clothes on.
Brandon was faster than me, so he checked if my parents were still outside, so they wouldn't see us coming out of a janitors' room together. That would be a little too suspicious for them.
"They're not here anymore. Let's go!" Brandon says, taking my hand as I finish putting all my clothes on.
We run to my party's building, and once we were inside, EVERYONE was looking at me and Brandon. It was awkward. I see my mom walking in my direction and whispers, "Sweetie, where the hell have you been the whole party?! We were starting to get worried!"
"I was waiting for Brandon who came a little a late to give me this necklace. It was his gift for me." I say, pointing to my neck. I wasn't lying. I mean, HE DID gave me the necklace. I just didn't mentionated the part where we had sex.
"Okay. Now, what are you waiting for?! It's time for you to blow your candles!" my mom says all happy, as she leds me near my birthday cake, so they could sing the happy birthday song to me. At the end, I blew my candles as everyone clapped.I looked at Brandon and smiled, which he returned. Yup, as you can see, we have no regrets for what just happened between us. Or so I thought...

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