Chapter 11

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"You have a lot of explaining to do" My dad almost yells, as we are in the car going home from the hospital.
I don't say anything. I'm just here in the back seat, trying not to break down in tears.
My mom suddenly turns around from the front seat and looks me in the eyes, crying. And that's when I can't hold on anymore and start to cry too.
"I'm sorry." I finally speak. "I didn't want to disappoint you" I say sobbing.
"Why didn't you tell us?" My mom asked with a hurt look in her face.
"I was scared, I didn't know what to do" I say. "I only discovered today"
My mom just looked at me, still crying.
We arrived home and out of nowhere, my dad grabs my arm and drags me to the living room.
"Sit down, Nicole" He demanded.
I sat down on the couch, and my parents sat in front of me.
I seriously don't know what to expect. I don't know if they're going to yell at me or just talk calmly. I really hope for the second option.
"Nikki. Explain us how the hell you are pregnant" my dad says trying to stay calm. "You've always been such a good girl. We never expected this from you"
I remain silent. Not saying a word.
"Who's the father?" My mom asked.
"Brandon" I say, almost whispering.
"Speak louder" My dad demanded.
"BRANDON" I say yelling.
"Brandon? Isn't it the guy with who you disappeared on your birthday party?"
I look down at my feet and remain silent.
"Now" My dad says "Go meet him where the hell you want, and you're gonna tell him you're pregnant. And he better assume the baby, or else I'm gonna beat the crap out of him"
"Calm down" My mom says to my dad.
" what your dad says. Go tell Brandon you're pregnant. You both should know that all the acts have consequences"
I let out a breath and put my hands in my face.
"And just you know, you're NOT going to abort" My mom assures me.
"What?!" I ask, shocked. "Mom, that'll ruin my life!"
"We don't care, Nicole" My dad says. "You and your little boyfriend gotta take responsability for your actions"
I sigh, and try to hold on tears for the 100th time that day.
I'm screwed.

*Next day*

I wake up, and check my phone.
I rub my eyes, and before I can do something else, my mom enters my enters my room.
"Nikki...are you feeling better about the talk we had last night?"
I just don't look at my mom, and don't say anything.
"No, I'm not" I say in my head.
"Sweetie, I know we were a bit harsh on you, but we're just doing for your own good and your baby's good."
As I hear "baby" I can't help but roll my eyes.
I DON'T wanna have this baby. I don't see how my parents forcing me to have a kid at 15 is a good thing.
My mom sees me rolling me eyes and sighs: "Well...I think you should call Brandon and tell him to meet you somewhere. You need to tell him about this"
I grab my phone and dial his number, and my mom stays there, looking at me.
"Um...can you..." I say looking at the door, hoping she understands what I'm trying to say.
"Oh...sure" My mom says, and leaves my room.
"Hello?" I hear Brandon's voice through my phone speaker.
", hey Brandon. It's Nikki."
"Hey babe! What's up?"
"Um, w-well...I...I've got something really important I need to tell you. Can we- can we meet somewhere today?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"Of course! 1pm at my house?"
"Yeah...that...that sounds good. Well, um, see ya" I say and hang up before he can say something else.
I sigh and run my hands through my hair.
I hope his reaction is good.

*3 hours later"

"What do you wanted to talk about?" Brandon asks, as we enter his bedroom.
I take a deep breath, and try to bring all my confidence together.
"I don't know how to tell you this" I sigh.
Brandon put a piece of hair behind my ear: "Nikki, don't be afraid. You know you can trust me and-"
"Brandon, I'm pregnant"
"I'm pregnant."
"You're kidding me" Brandon says in disbelief.
"Do I look like I'm kidding you?!" I ask Brandon, tears in my eyes.
"Oh shit...okay, Nikki, calm down-"
"Calm down?! How do you want me to calm down?! I discovered that I'm pregnant and my parents won't let me abort, and you tell me to calm down?!?!" I yell, breaking down in tears.
Before I can say anything more, Brandon pull me into a hug, and kisses the top of my head, shushing me as I cry against his chest.
"I'm sorry...I'm just surprised as you are" He whispered in my ear. "But everything's going to be alright, okay?"
I look at him and ask "How?"
"If your parents don't let you abort, I guess we'll just have to deal with it. I guess...we'll just have to be a mom and a dad from now on. Even if that changes our lives" He said, his face vulnerable.
I sigh and rest my hand on his shoulder, as he strokes my hair softly.
"Don't worry." Brandon says to me. "I promise with all my heart that I'll do everything I can to see you and our baby happy. I'll never let go of you both. Even if that means I'll have to be a 15 year old dad" (lol this part is cheesy), He says, rubbing my cheek, and looking me in the eyes.
I smile at him, and kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back, and we just stand there, with his arms wrapped around me.
"I love you, you know that right?" I whisper to Brandon.
"I do. And I love you too princess" He says kissing the tip of my nose and then kissing me on the lips one more time.

I read this chapter over and over, and I still think it's cheesy, but cute at the same time :3 btw, I just updated the 2nd chapter of my other DD fanfic "I'll never be the same", go check it out!

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