Delicate Butterfly Part 1

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It was just another day at Cross Academy, you lazily walked behind the other students as they rushed to greet the night class, you leaned against an old oak tree, watching with bit of confusion at the students specially the girls, they would cheer, scream even cry at the site of the night class. You watched as one of the night class students with blond hair waved and teased the girls, they are literally falling over their feet. You just turned your gaze away and opened the book in you had in your hands. Suddenly the cheers got louder, but you took no notice of it as you read on. Silence fell, you looked up and saw a girl on the floor with someone kneeled next to her, you raised an eyebrow. Kaname Kuran the president of the night class was helping the girl to her feet, but she soon fainted from his touch and was taken away to the nurse.

"He is kind" you said softly to yourself as your gaze moved back to your book. You have always wondered about the night class were all so breath taking, compared to the day class students, it reminded a bit of yourself, you were not the same as the other day class students, you were not one to cheer and fall for the night class, not one of night class students caught your eye, because you knew you won't catch theirs, your heart sank at this thought, somewhere deep inside you, you were tired of being alone. You decided that you stood here long enough and made your way to class.

Kaname sighed 'how tiring these students are ' he watched the girl he had helped get carried to the nurse's office, he felt bit depressed ,everyone vampire and human are all the same, when they see him, they would shower him with compliments in hoping to catch his attention, he was getting tired of this. He turned to walk back to class when something caught his eye by the old oak tree, it was You.

He had noticed you before, you always sat at the tree either reading or daydreaming and never joined the rest of the students, this peeked his interest a bit as to why you were so..different from the rest of the day class students, you did not cheer or even came close to them. Kaname stared at the spot where you disappeared and turned to make his way to the moon dorm.

You sat in class waiting, when everyone finally arrived, the teacher stood up in front and announced "Class, today I have some exciting news" you looked up from your book as the teacher spoke "Tomorrow is a field day and it so happens that the night class will be joining us". As soon as those words left his mouth excitement roared in the class, but the teacher soon cut them off " But we must be on our best behaviour, so no cheering or screaming of any kind, this is a rare opportunity".

Your heart sank again, you hated field trips because you were always left alone while other would gather in groups. The teacher disappeared and re-appeared with Headmaster Cross handing out sheets of paper, it read "Field trip to the Akuma Mansion for an exciting tour of the haunted mansion, each student must have a partner". Akuma is Japanese for demon, you thought why would they sent them there and why must they be partnered?, you sighed this was not your day.


"Headmaster may I stay tomorrow? You asked politely, you decided that it was the best to skip this one and ask the headmaster if you could stay instead. "What?! Why would you not want to go ?"

"I'll rather stay and study, I do not enjoy field trips" you said honestly.

"(Y/N), you are a top student, don't you want to spend time with your friends than the books?" the headmaster asked. "Books are my friends" you said bluntly. "O come now just go once, it is a rare opportunity" said the headmaster with a big smile on his face, you sighed and decided to just go with it..just this once "oki I will go" you said defeated. "Excellent ! " said the headmaster cheerfully, he sounded too happy about this you thought.

That night you had trouble sleeping, the field trip thing is just a bother, you looked over to your room mate that was fast asleep, she is really excited about the field trip and could not stop talking about it, you not so much. You groaned in frustration and tried to get comfy enough to fall asleep.

Field trip day:

You woke up tired and moody, you have not slept at all last night, you made your way to the front gate after getting ready, you got onto the bus and noticed the night class's bus hehind the one you were in. You saw everyone except Kaname, you wondered why he did not come along, but you pushed the thought aside and closed your eyes, maybe your mood would lighten up if you rest a bit.

You didn't nap for long when you felt the bus stop, you climbed of and followed the rest of the students, the night class was already here waiting with headmaster Cross and Kaname beside him so he did come after all you thought. You waited behind the rest while Cross gave a few heads up on rules and so on, after that he announced everyone to take a buddy. Your heart sank as you saw everyone get grouped with friends even you roommate had more friends, this was a bad idea you thought. You sneeked past everyone like a ninja ( lol ) and just when you thought you were in the clear you bumped into something warm, you looked up to c Kaname staring down at you with a smile.

"Where are you off to?"

You gulped and stood straight " I have no interest going into a scary mansion on my own" you said with great courage.

"Why not go with a friend?" he asked, you couldn't helped but notice how beautiful his voice sounded, you blushed and looked away " I don't have friends" you said glancing at your room mate.

"I see" he said , just then Cross came up to the two of you. " Well (Y/N) do you have a partner?"

"Well.." just when you were about to say no Kaname jumped in " Yes she does, I shall accompany her.

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