Delicate Passion Part 5

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You froze when you heard those few words, but Kaname just chuckled as if he expected you to react this way and continued with his kissing on your neck as if torturing himself with the need to bury his fangs in your vain and taste that sweet red liquid.

"But am human, ill will die and you will still live on" your words came out as a whisper, sadness started suffocating your heart , you did not want to leave him. Kaname held your face in both hands kissed you with fierceness that it made your toes curl and left you breathless, his face turned serious as he spoke " I can turn you into a vampire, but its a choice you will have to make, because if your body does not except it, you will die" Kaname's eyes closed as if he couldn't even bare the thought of losing you, you thought for a moment, this time it was your turn to grab kaname's face as you looked at him as serious as you can "am not afraid, if it means to be with you forever I'll risk it". Kaname surprised expression turned soft as he smiled a small smile and pulled you closer and smashed his lips against yours.

Your body started to feel hot all over as Kaname started to get rougher as if a need is growing (lol), his slender hands started to to explore more of your body as his hands travelled up your smooth legs , you gasped as he squeezed them gently, your hands slid from kaname neck down to his toned chest, the warmth of his body  was really hot and smooth, you thought vampires were cold but his body was a heater on its own.

Kaname suddenly broke away , before you could utter a word he scooped you up bridle style spoke in a husky voice " we need to move to a more private room, close you eyes" you did as he asked and shut them tight while burying your face in his neck, you couldn't help but to inhale his sweet scent , how addictive it was. A shadowy smoke started to form around Kaname's legs as it travelled and engulf both of you, a sheer of bats could be heard as both of you vanished.

You could feel with your body that your moving like floating in air, but it came to stop as you and Kaname stood in his room, facing his open doors, he turned and with a wave of his hand the doors closed and locked, he made his way to his bed and threw you onto the soft covers as he started to to take of his white jacket and loosening his tie as he climb onto the bed and hover above you, he bend down to your neck and you flinched thinking that he is gone turn you tonight but instead of feeling his sharp fangs, you felt him kiss your skin tenderly, felt him chuckle as his husky voice was in you ear, and gave you goosebumps all over.

"I will not turn you tonight but I Will make you mine completely" he bit softly on your earlobe making you shiver with pleasure, a gasp escaped your mouth as your mind started to get cloudy, it was hard to think and you couldn't focused as Kaname showered you with kisses and love bites, his hand moving more freely to your waist moving up under your t shirt, you moaned in pleasure and shivered , his other hand massaging your left hip,moving down, squeezing you upper leg, and took hold of your pants and yanked it off, you felt the cool air against your skin, it gave you goosebumps, your arms locking themselves around his neck.

You never felt such passion, it was like your heart is melting with every kiss he plants on your sensitive skin, how you wish this moment could last forever.

(Y/N)... came kaname's lustful voice, his eyes started to turn a crimson red, he graved your blood more than anything but he will wait when its time. But suddenly Kaname brought his wrist to his mouth a bit with long sharp fangs into his pale skin, your eyes winded in surprise but his eyes never leaving your face as he lifted your head upwards with his other hand and held your chin firm, planting his mouth over your, he still held the blood in his mouth. Letting the warm liquid slide down your throat, an odd sweetness to the irony taste but it wasn't unpleasant.

You tried to pull away but his hand kept you firmly where you were as you swallowed everything he had, he pulled away gently, "good girl"Kaname said, licking the blood trail from your chin to your mouth, his blood gave you a warm sensation as  if warming up every vain in your body. "this has bonded us, when ever you need me I'll find you" giving you another passionate kiss that left you breathless.

The next day..

You woke up with a shocked expression, 'did we?!' you were pants less. Just at that moment Kaname came walking in, like if he could read your mind he looked at you and chuckled " no we did not, it will happen when I turn you"

"why?"  you asked bit confused, Kaname moved to sit on the bed by you and said " because when it does happen you will experience pleasure very humans get to experience and it makes the transformation more comfortable. Your face went tomato red and you tried to hide it by covering your face, Kaname chuckled "you are so cute" giving you a kiss on your head as well as a pat" you should hurry an get dressed the headmaster wants to see us" you gulp nervously were you in trouble for spending he night here?

Kaname stood up and walked to the door laughing "you worry to much my dear (Y?N)", leaving the room, closing the door as he went out . You quickly got ready and went after him closing the door behind you.

Back at your dorm you took a shower a dressed yourself in your school inform, luckily its still early and classes doesn't start for another hour or so. You met Kaname in front of the headmaster closed office doors, "you ready' Kaname asked, you just nodded and knocked on the door. "Come in" came a cheerfull voice from inside at least he is in a good mood, you walked in with Kaname behind you.

"aaa (Y/N) am glad to see you are alright when i went to check on you in the infirmary you weren't  there" he said sounding sad "but am glad to see your walking" you have completely forgot about your injured leg " Am fine headmaster, you don't have to worry yourself.

"I should my dear child, what kind of headmaster would i be if I didn't care about my students well being" he said while doing a dramatic pose, "Which leaves me with a problem, you now know  the secret of this school, but let me explain, this school was created so that the war between vampires and humans can stop so that the two species can live in peace together"

You listened carefully as the headmaster explained his plan and his possible solution to years of blood shed. 'Its a noble cause" you said thinking out loud "Yes ! , it is am glad you agree, so i thought about it and i think you can help us (Y/N), I will promote you so to speak to be a guardian at this school to help keep the secretes from the day class students, I think having a guardian in the day dorm will definitely  help in keeping an eye on them" Kaien said adjusting his classes, you looked at Kaname you who was leaning against the door " I think that is an excellent idea headmaster" he said giving you a smile. If Kaname is helping Cross in this was the so shall you " I accept headmaster, I shall do my very best" you said with determination in your voice. 

"Excellent am glad to hear such determination, here" Kaien handed you a band with the school symbol " put this around your arm, it signifies that your a guardian". After talking about some arrangements, you and Kaname made your way to the rose garden, Kaname took a seat under the same tree where you and him first realised each other feelings, he took your hand and pulled you down so that you were sitting on his lap resting against his chest.

"Kaname.." you were wondering something, when will the time be right? Kaname face was in your neck breathing your sweet scent a simple "mmmm" came from him as he was lost in his world holding his only heaven in his dark world. " When will be the right time?" you asked. Kaname's head slowly lift up , taking his one hand from you waist so that he could turn your face and smash his lips on yours, giving you a passionate kiss leaving you breatheless

"Why don't you finish school first before worrying about that, for now enjoy the sun" he said hugging you tighter to his body as the few morning sun rays bathed the garden in gold.

                                                                                  The End.


Note: special thanks to AnimeMagicX for giving me an idea to close the chapter thank you, you rock! :3 , and thanx to all for reading my story, without you guys I wont write lol 

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