Delicate Pride Part 4

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Later that night..

Kaname sighed, the night class has retreated to their dorms and Kaname was restless, he knows his interest in you has not gone unnoticed , Ruka was being more distant than usual, and she hasn't attended class tonight nor has he seen her the day before..suspicious, she is always at his side no matter what. Kaname lazily walked to his velvety red couch, and rested his tired body looking up at the ceiling when he sensed someone approach as a faint knock was heard on his door

"Enter" was all he said, he knew who it was, it was Ruka and it looked like she was caring something heavy in her heart as she cautiously approach him where he was laying down.

"My lord Kaname I hope am not disturbing you" she said softly, Kaname sat up and replied "ofcourse not Ruka" he could clearly make out in her eyes she had a lot of questions to ask "but what is it that is troubling you so?"

She looked rather nervous and swallowed hard clenching her hand in a fist " I couldn't help but notice that you have taken a liking to a human girl may I ask why, when I have been by your side for so long?" Ruka looked at Kaname as he stood up to stand in front of her, he gently stroked her face, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. " sorry I have caused you pain" he looked into her teary eyes as she held his hand that was stroking her face. "then she is just your play thing ?" she asked, hopefully Kaname was just bored and fooling around with this human girl but Kaname face frowned at the words play thing , that's why he can never be with her, she may have a pretty face but her jealously makes her heart heavy.

He didn't want to do this but she needs to understand that he is not interested, or this may cause problems for (Y/N) if it hadn't already " She is not a play thing, and I have chosen her for a reason, she gives me what no else can". Ruka looked at Kaname shocked what could a human girl possibly offer that she cannot, so she got an idea, she walk up to kaname " Maybe I can still satisfy you?" Ruka used the dagger that was on Kaname desk and gave herself a small cut on her neck, a thick drop of precious red liquid slid down her throat. Kaname saw what she is trying to do just it doesn't work for him anymore, there is only one girl blood that will satisfy him.

"Am sorry Ruka but your blood doesn't satisfy me anymore, there is no need for that" Kaname said turning away from her and gaze out his window, Ruka's world with Kaname just shattered as tears started to roll down her cheeks uncontrollably, she was lost for words and ran out his room to her own, where her tears of sadness quickly turned to tears of anger (Y/N) will not get away with this.

You still slept soundly in your bed but something in the back of your mind was itching and not letting you fall asleep entirely, so you finally gave up sleep and opened you eyes to see your dark room lit up by the full moon light but he gasp in fear when you saw a cloak figure standing in the middle of your room facing you, you could see something shining in the figure hand, it looked like something sharp. " who are you ?" you barked trying to sound brave but a flick with the cloaked figures hand as you felt something brush past your cheek as a dagger nearly misses you and hit the wall behind you, you drew your covers to try and blind the figure while you make a be line for the door, but you chose your direction poorly as the hall way ended in a dead end with a large window, looking behind you, you saw the figure approach you at a alarming speed that was inhuman, you felt a cold sweat on your forehead might this be a vampire to??.

Panicking a bit more now, you forced the window open and climb out onto a tree that grew next to the building, you scurried your way down to the ground, you were not sure what to do, if you alert the rest of the dorms they ,you might be putting them in danger to. As you climb you could hear daggers landing where your hands were a moment ago. As soon as you feet touched the ground you ran with everything you had and his behind a wall. the figure was right behind you but you stuck out your foot just as the figure came to the corner making him trip and fall over, the hood fell of and you saw who it was, and wasn't a he after all.

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