Being Asked On A Date...

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"S-s-sir-sir! Please! S-stop!" I sobbed trying to push him off.

"Wait-" he said letting go off me and getting up.

"Ermm.. sorry.. taking if too far there, wasn't I?" Tord asked snickering.

I kinda smiled but looked down at my feet.

'why am I smiling? I nearly got raped by my own boss.. what's wrong with me?'

"Hey uhh... You okay there?" I looked up seeing Tord sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I urm.. yes, yes! I'm f-fine.."

He sighed.

"Listen, don't talk about this. Ever. It was a mistake!.. I didn't mean it. I got carried away. Sorry?" He replied with sorrow in his voice.

I blinked a couple times.

"Y-yes sir.. can I leave?" I asked curiously looking at the door.

"I urm, yes yes! Paul is gonna be at the place you found him. He's gonna take you to your cell."

I flinched when he said cell.. damn. Am I in prison? I wasn't assigned for this! (XD)

"Yes sir, thank you sir" he just nodded in response and layed down on the bed face forward.

I kinda giggled but left hoping he didn't notice.

I closed the door behind me and started walking.

"Y/n!" I turned around and saw Patryck with bandages wrapped around his neck.

"Pat!" I shouted and ran to him giving him the biggest hug I've ever given (damn boi 👌)

I pulled back.

"Do you know where Paul is? Boss said he knows where my cell."

"I do too! Paul told me, follow me" Patryck answered with a birght smile.

I giggled and ran towards him.

"Race ya there!" He shouted before running off (sonic speed)

"Hey you cheat!" I shouted back and started running.

To my surprise, I was first.

"I win!"

"Nope! You need to find the cell!" I gave him a 'what.' face.

"I WIN!" he screamed touching one of the cells "HA!"

I huffed.

"Hey! I didn't know where it was! Could of told me sooner!" I turned away but still walked towards it.

I was about to look at it but Patryck covered my eyes and pushed me in.

He locked the door.

"Sorry, boss told me to do that since he knows and realized how stubborn you are" Patryck said holding back his laughter.

I went to the bars and held them.

"Who do you have the keys?"

"Boss gave me 'em. Anyway, go to sleep. Its training tomorrow at 5:30." Patryck said before walking towards his cell which was close to mine actually.

I sighed and walked towards the bed.

It was so dusty like omg.

I groaned and layed down on it.

I winced in pain, it felt like I was sleeping on stone.

I sighed and fell asleep.

Time skips brought to you by lazy ass me.

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