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Being a 17 year old werewolf is not fun, not when you were suppose to meet your mate at age 16. I'm Rose Mary an all I want is to leave and met my mate but that don't seem like it's ever gonna happen. It's now 7:00 and I'm getting dressed to go to hell aka school. My school ain't that bad cause I go to a werewolf high school which means no humans.

"Rose, get down here. Your gonna be late!" yelled my mom from downstairs.

"I'm coming, mom"I yelled back while putting my shoes on.

I ran down the stairs. "Sorry, mom I can't eat today if I do I'm gonna be late. Tell dad I said bye." I quickly ran to the door after grabbing my keys to my baby.

While getting in the car I turn on the radio to my favorite station. The ride to school was nice. No red lights no stupid people who can't drive. Pulling up at the school I parked in my spot. These are the times I wished I had a best friend. Yeah, I know it's weird that I'm in high school with no best friend but it's whatever I don't really care that much. Now that don't mean I don't have friends it just means I don't have a best one.

"ROSE MARY!!" snapped Madison, my friend.

"Huh,what? Oh, hey Madison. What's with all the yelling?" I asked confused.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the last 10 minutes. You just walked in to class looking dazed and sat down in your desk." Explained Madison

I looked around and realized I was in fact in class sitting at my desk. I could feel a blush coming to my face.

'How could I have not realized I walked all the way from the parking lot to my classroom. I must have really zoned out' I thought to myself.

"Oh. Ummm...sorry I didn't even realize I zoned out." I said.

Madison started laughing. "Don't worry about it Ms. O'brain ain't even here yet."

I was just about to say something when Ms. O'brain herself walked in wearing a dressy long sleeve shirt and a gray skirt.

"Today,class we will be learning about aqua which is, as some of you know, water."said Ms. O'Brain while pulling up today's notes on her computer.

" I want everyone to pull out a piece of paper and write down everything on the computer. If you see anything in bold it will be on the test Friday."

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out of first block shaking my writing hand around. I opened up a mind link with Madison so Ms. O'brain wont hear us since we're still so close to her room. 'Why does she make us write from start to finish like that? I thought I'm getting a hand cramp.'

'To torture us to where we're so tired we won't talk.'laughed Madison with a smile.

'Whatever,I'm just glad I'm out of there.' I laugh closing the mind link and walking to my next class.

I walked in to history only to see I'm the first I here, even the teacher ain't here. 'I didn't forget we're suppose to go somewhere today, did I' I thought. Just when I was about to freak out the teacher walked in.

"Good morning, Rose." said Mr. Hilltop with a smile, walking to his desk.

I breath out a sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness' I thought rolling my eyes.

"Umm...good morning,Sir. Where is everybody? I'm usually the second to last in here." I asked confused

He looked up over his big rimmed glasses at me. "Don't you remember, there is a pack meeting today at 11:00?"

My eyes went huge. I quickly turned to the clock to see its 10:50. I jumped out of my set and ran out the door with werewolf speed.

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