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I've made an alternate to chapter 11 and I want y'all to pick which one y'all love the most. Remember I can't update if y'all don't vote which one


Just as I was about to bite her neck making her mine the door busted open reviling a man. I growled at him, warning him not to come close, as I push my mate behind me.

"Step away from my daughter." said, apparently, her father growling at me

I lunged, knocking him over onto floor. With all the power I have as an alpha I clawed into his chest, tearing through his shirt and flesh until blood started to pour out of him like water from a wide open sink.

"NO SPIKE, PLEASE STOP. YOUR GONNA KILL HIM!!." Rose said grabbing my arm trying to put me off her father.

I stopped; turning towards my beautiful mate. My mind started coming back to me as the beast, finally, went back in it's cage. I looked down at the man who is my soon to be father in-law. As I stare down at him covered in his own blood passed out from the pain, I'm guessing, I realize I don't care about his pain, suffering, or generally his feelings. He tried to take my mate away from me, it doesn't matter if she's his duaghter. However, I did care about my Rosey's and that is the only reason why I'm about to do this.

"Go to the bathroom and get peroxide an a rag and wrap-up. NOW!!" I yelled

She ran out the room to where I presume was the bathroom. I grabbed a pillow from her bed and put it under his head so he can get more oxygen. Not seconds later, Rose Came flying through the door shoving the stuff I asked for in my hands.

"Please, please Spike you have to save him. Please I beg you." sobbed rose with her head in her hands.

"Don't worry Rose I've done this before, but after I wrap him up we need to take him to the hospital." I said as I got to work.

First I poured the peroxide all over his chest, I didn't have time to dap every single spot. As the it started to bubble white I knew it was working. After that I wiped the peroxide away from every place that didn't have claw marks, which I have it is were barely any. Then I warped the wrap-up around him several times until it was good and tight then tied it in the back to keep to together. Rose kept wiping the sweat from his face whispering 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' over and over again.

"Go call the hospital and tell them to be ready for us then start the car. I'll carry him." I said while picking him up

Rose stood as while but as she stood she stared right into my eyes. However, in those beautiful brown eyes I only saw sorrow, pain, guilt, happiness, which confused me, but no disgust or hatred. She grabbed my face pressing our foreheads together while still holding eye contact.

"I love you more than anything don't forget that." she whispered landing a soft kiss upon my lips.

She quickly ran out the door and with in 10 minutes we were at the hospital. As soon as we got there the nurses grabbed him a went into surgery leaving myself and Rose in the waiting room to wait. It was silent between us but not out of awkwardness just enjoying the peace and quite, well as peaceful as u can get in a hospital, while holding each other. Not to long after that the silentness was interrupted by this panicky looking woman out of breath.

"Oh Rose Mary, what happened? Did the doctor say anything? Is your father gonna be okay? Wait, who is this?" She asked

"Wow, mom calm down. The doctor hasn't come to talk to us yet. We don't know how dad is and this is Alpha Spike my mate. As for what happened well me and Spike got into a big fight where I said I couldn't do it anymore then ran out only to have Spike come to the house 40 minutes later, but the beast was in control so when dad opened my bedroom door saying 'don't touch my daughter' and Spike here went all crazy possessive alpha he is and started clawing dad to pieces, however, I stopped him from killing dad and to help he bandaged him enough to stop the blooding long enough for us to get him here and well u know the rest." My Rosey said, taking a deep breath from talking so fast.

Her mother had a blank look on her face for a second then said, " ok, whatever, we'll talk about the whole mates to the most dangerous alpha in America later right now we have to worry about your father."

A doctor came up behind her mother with a stern face.

"Are you the Addams family?" Asked the doctor

Her mother stun around, nodding her head quickly. We all came closer to the doctor.

"Yes, yes we are is there any news only father?" Asked Rose

"Well, there is no easy way to say this, however, it must be done. Mr. Addams is..."

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