Weakness - Negan

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Prompt: An enemy recognizes that you are Negan's weakness

Word Count: 1325

Warnings: Violence, language, angst

It is no secret that you are Negan's girl. He is completely obsessed with you. Everyone knew, if they crossed you, they would suffer his wrath. All of the Saviors knew to respect you. There was a sort of charm, that you had, which confused outsiders as to why you would be with a man like Negan. You are sweet, gentle, selfless, everything he isn't. But he showed that around you. He opened up to you, showing you his softer side. He never totally put his guard down the first few weeks together, but after a while he became very close with you.

The only downfall? Everyone knowing you're his girl, sometimes put you in a lot of danger. One close call had been when a group Negan recently took control of, Alexandria, realized that you were his prized possession. He always tried to keep it to a minimum when you joined him on runs or days that they went to collect. He wanted the Saviors to know who you belonged to, but not so much the people that worked for him, being afraid that they would go after you to hurt him. Which is exactly what happened...

While his men were scavenging Alexandria, you stood nearby, gathering the stuff into trucks. He had been over bothering Rick, and you were with Dwight loading a truck, when one of the men from the group approached you guys. He has a bottle of wine in his hand, wearing a light grey button down shirt, a weird looking smile plastered on his face. "Hi. I'm Spencer." He says, looking between you and Dwight, his gaze falling on you longer. You nod your head, whereas Dwight crosses his arms. "And?" The Spencer guy, though much taller than Dwight, gets intimidated, shuffling his weight around. You feel bad, knowing how much of jerks the Saviors can be. "What's up?" You ask him, glaring at Dwight. He shrugs his shoulders and returns to loading the truck. By this time, Negan had noticed a man from this group talking to you, and began focusing on that, rather than Rick. Sasha had taken notice to this right away, as did Rick. "Who's that lean piece of meat talking to her?" He demands, watching as he hands the bottle of wine to you, standing too close for Negan's liking. "That's Spencer." Rick responds lowly. You smile politely at Spencer and thank him for the wine, unaware that Negan has began paying attention to you, until you see him stalking over. "You see that?" Rick mumbles to Sasha, and she nods, eyes glued to Negan. He approaches Spencer, a thick hardy chuckle as he stands beside him, Lucille looming over his shoulder. "Well.. What do we have here?" Negan asks, his famous smirk planted firmly on his face. You know better than to push your boundaries in front of people who controls, but don't want him to hurt anyone for no reason at all. "I was giving her this bottle of wine for you.. I didn't want to interrupt you with Rick." Spencer answers, his chin up, attempting to look confident.

You fear Negan will find this disrespectful, but he only smiles evilly and chuckles. "Well! How fucking cool of you!" He puts his strong bare hand on Spencer's shoulder. "Now why don't you scurry along before you push your luck..." He warns lowly, causing you to take a step toward him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Negan, why don't you check out what they found.. I think you'll like it." You mumble to him, causing him to refocus his gaze on you, staring at you for a few seconds, thoughts racing. You don't know what he's thinking, making you uneasy. You know he would never hurt you, it's other people that you worry about.

He nods slowly, a hand on the small of your back as he walks with you to the back of the trunk. Rick pays close attention, until Dwight shoves his shoulder, telling him to get a move on. He asks you to go get his gun from the truck you guys arrived in, so you walk away to fetch it. However, what he least expected had happened, and he suddenly heard a gunshot.

Zipping around, he looks for the source of the shot. "Who the fucking fuck did that?!" He exclaims, searching for you. He spots you, with a gun to your head, held by Spencer himself. "Surrender." Spencer threatens. Negan glares at him, his men closing in around him and Spencer, causing Rick to step in between. "Spencer! Let her go, what's wrong with you?!" He exclaims.

Spencer's grip on your throat tightens. You are only a little afraid, knowing it's only a matter of seconds before he will be dead or wishing he was. You don't want anyone to die, but you can't exactly feel bad for the guy who was just a second ago faking being nice to you, obviously in strategy. You hear another gun shot, wincing, and are suddenly released, feeling his body slide down to the ground. You stand there, shocked, scared, and upset. Negan is fuming. "What the fuck?! Do you want to all die? Is that what you want? Cuz I can make that shit happen!" He hollers, walking over to stand by you.

"You will not lay a finger on any of my men, and most importantly not my women! Ever! That shit does not slide!" You wince at his tone. He grabs your chin, gently leaning your face up to look at him. "Hey, you're alright." He mutters, wiping the tear away from your eye with his non-loved hand. "Don't kill anyone else, let's just go. Please?" You stutter. He grabs you by your hip, leading you to the truck and watching you get into the backseat. "Wait there." He demands, before stalking over to Rick. "That shit... That shit is not cool. And for that! You no longer have any guns. I want them all.. Now. And you better believe... If anything like that happens again... I will kill everyone here." He says the last part lowly, glaring in Rick's face. "Hand over your guns!" Rick announces, trying to keep anyone else from getting hurt.

Eventually, after all their weapons have been gathered, with the exception of knives so that they can still scavenge for him, Negan joined you in the truck, getting in the passenger seat. You were shaken up. The drive back to the Sanctuary was silent, more than usual. You follow Negan as he heads to your shared room. For some reason, you felt he was angry with you, causing tears to form, but you try to conceal them. He paces angrily in the room as you sit on the bed, awaiting him to say something. He takes a deep breath, calming down, and placing Lucille on the table. "I should have killed them." He growls, standing in front of you, taking in your looks. He wouldn't tell you, but he was hurting, deathly afraid of you getting hurt at all, much less because of him. You reach for his hand and he pulls away. "Negan... Please." You speak. He inhales deeply again, before retaking his place in front of you. He cups your face. "Y/N..." He mumbles. He shakes his head, disappointed in himself. "They tried to hurt you.. You could've fucking died." He says, getting angry again. You place your hands over his own. "But I didn't. Your men protected me, because they know I'm your's, and they fear you. You have everything under control, I'm okay because of you." You try to console. He snorts. "You almost died because of me." He snarls. "No, I didn't almost die. He had no chance, it was pathetic. Negan, relax, it's okay now." He exhales, finally agreeing with you. "You're not coming anymore... You're staying here, where it's safer." He kisses your forehead and ends the conversation there.

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