Welcome To Alexandria - Daryl

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Request: "Hi, could you please do from the prompt list "Are you wearing my shirt?" "Don't leave my side" "Are you jealous?" With Daryl ?"

Word Count: 1154

Warnings: A little violence, language

When the group decided to take a chance and follow Aaron back to Alexandria, you were more than stunned to discover everything this community had to offer. They had running water, electricity, homes, food, everything you could possibly imagine. Of course, everyone was very timid and on-guard.

When you stood outside of the gates, awaiting them to be opened, Daryl spotted a raccoon digging through a trash-bin and skillfully shot it through the stomach, picking it up up by its tail just as the gates opened up. He looks up and you bite your lip to resist laughing at the man's shocked face as he stares bewildered at Daryl. Clearly these people have been spoiled. "Brought dinner," Daryl jokes, though his face is nothing but serious. He walks by your side as your group slowly makes their way inside of the gates, looking around in shock. It's so nice!

Aaron says that you guys are going to want to speak with some woman named Deanna, which is when Daryl mutters sternly in your ear "Don't leave my side." He does not trust these people at all, especially after what just happened at Terminus.

The next two days are a blur as everyone explores the community, speaks to Deanna and Aaron, and try to accommodate. Apparently this is your new home, you need to try to get comfortable. You awoke a little late this morning, everyone being out of the home at the moment with the exception of Sasha, who sat beside baby Judith in her new crib. Your back is sore from sleeping on the hard floor, but it is better than anything outside of this new community, so you can't even be upset. You grab your bag and pull out a random T-shirt, heading into the bathroom and changing your clothes, then brushing your teeth, which still feels amazing and you wind up in there for ten minutes grooming yourself.

Once you finally leave the bathroom, now fully dressed, you decide to head outside to check out the place some more. When you step outside, you spot Daryl sitting in the corner of the balcony, watching you come out. He gives you a weird look before smirking a little at you. "What?" You question, unsure why he is giving you that look.

"Is that my shirt?" He asks, and you glance down, realizing that you had indeed put on one of Daryl's shirts.

"Oh, whoops. Must have grabbed it by mistake." You reply, shrugging your shoulders. You don't care very much, everyone already knows about you and Daryl. "Does it bother you?" You ask before you step down the stairs to explore. He shakes his head no and shrugs.

"Looks good on ya." He teases, and you smile.

"Coming?" You ask as you step down, waiting for him.

"Nah." He responds, resting his arms on his pulled up knees, and you roll your eyes then head down the street.

While wandering around, you bump into one of the Monroe sons, although you don't remember which one he is. "Hey! It's Y/N, right?" The tall lean man asks, jogging over to you from where he sat on his own stairs. You were heading back in the direction of the house your group was sharing, but he stopped you before you could get all the way back.

"Yeah, you're one of Deanna's sons, right?" You respond, holding out your hand to him, attempting to be polite.

He nods, a smile lighting up his face as he places his hand in yours, giving you a floppy dead-fish handshake that made you internally cringe. "Spencer Monroe." He introduces himself, holding onto your hand a little too long. You awkwardly release his and tuck them into your pockets, shifting your weight a little, wondering if there's a reason he stopped you. "How are you liking it here so far?" He asks, almost seeming as if there was an alternate meaning to his question, based on his face and the suggestive way he asked it.

You shift again and laugh awkwardly. "It's nice. You guys are really lucky to have this, it's bad out there." You respond, fully aware that this guy probably wouldn't last a week outside of these walls.

"Yeah.. Hasn't been too easy in here, either." He responds, standing up a little straighter. You stare at him for a moment, wondering if he's joking. This is like a paradise compared to the outside, is he insane?

"Yeah..." You mutter, looking past him toward the house. You notice Daryl leaning against the balcony fence, staring your direction. You bet he is probably not so happy about you speaking to this man-child, knowing your boyfriend's short temper, and decide it is probably best if you head back, before he gets a grudge against him for no reason. "Sorry, I think Daryl needs me." You excuse yourself, stepping past him and heading toward your new "home". Daryl stands up straight when you start up the stairs, and you can already tell from his face and body language that he's about to start an argument. "What'd he want?" He asks thickly, basically spatting his words, curious about what that boy you just meant could want to speak to his girl about.

"He was just introducing himself, making conversation." You respond, stopping outside of the closed door, facing him.

Daryl scoffs, crossing his bare muscular arms that you can't help but glance at; which he notices. He feels a little better about himself, knowing that Spencer is a twig compared to him, and hardly a man, but it still bothers him. He is a stereotypical well-off white boy that you might have ended up with, had the world not gone to shit.

"Got nothin to worry bout, Daryl." You assure him, smiling lightly at your boyfriend. He snaps out of his thoughts and sort of glares at you.

"I'ont care bout that kid." He speaks gruffly, acting offended that you think he does, even though it is true.

"Right, you're not jealous I was talking to some new guy. Okay." You reply sarcastically, walking inside, not in the mood for his immaturity. He follows you inside, feeling himself getting more and more worked up.

"I'm not fuckin jealous." He argues, clenching his jaw.

"Okay Daryl." You respond, sitting down on the counter, crossing your arms.

He glares at you, knowing you don't believe him, and rolls his eyes. "So I can't talk to anyone?" You question, feeling pissed off at his childishness.

"Never said that." He mutters, turning away from you.

"Might as well have." You respond, stepping down and wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, leaning your head on his back. "I don't want anyone else. I'm sure you've realized that." You assure him, then let him go, heading back out to find Rick, leaving Daryl standing there watching you leave, wondering how he got so lucky.

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