Wasn't Jealous - Daryl

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"Can I please get a Daryl x female reader where he gets jealous because another guy hits on her"

"Jealous Daryl x reader?"

Word Count: 1630

Warnings: None

Prompt: Daryl getting jealous when Spencer hits on you


Alexandria had quickly become a miracle for you and most of the other members of your group. After the loss of the prison, getting separated, then the whole Terminus thing, it was exactly what you all needed, just in time. Like Glenn said, you guys were almost out there too long.

You and Daryl had grown close since being on the road after the farm was lost, and your relationship only grew stronger since then. You are one of the few people he can open up to here and there, laugh a little, be less timid. It means a lot to you when he shows you the other side of himself that no one else really gets to see.

The new community is definitely taking some getting used to, but you are trying to make it work. You can't go back out there, you just can't.

You smile at Glenn as he passes you and he returns the gesture. Everyone is on guard, but a lot happier. Just a few days ago you guys were starving, dehydrated, on the brink of death. Now you are here, doing just well, surrounded by gates, with weapons and food and shelter. You see your favorite man sitting on the porch of the house that the group is sharing, his crossbow beside him, watching everyone on the streets. He is definitely not used to this. He obviously never grew up in nice houses in a secluded community like this. He's so adjusted to how you guys have been living, it's going to be the hardest on him to get used to this place.

As you are making your way over toward him, you see him sit up a little straighter as he makes eye contact with you. He doesn't smile, but his body language shows that he is happy to see you. You know him well enough to know this.

Before you can get over to the house, a man stands in your way and you stop abruptly to keep from walking straight into him. Awfully rude..

"Whoa there." He chuckles. You look up at him. You're pretty sure this is one of Deanna's sons. "Sorry." You apologize, even though it was totally his fault. "I'm Spencer." He introduces, holding out his hand to you.

You look at it for a moment, caught off guard. You haven't shaken anyone's hand since just after the outbreak started, before you even met your group. You hesitantly take it, shaking his hand. "Sorry." You apologize again. "I uh, it's been a long time. Ya know, been out there a while." You inform him, not wanting to come off as rude or weird. You need to make it work here.

"Not a problem..." He trails off, causing you to realize you didn't give him your name. "Shit. Wow I've totally forgotten how to be normal." You joke, laughing at yourself. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you Spencer." He smiles lightly at you and nods. "Nice to meet you too, Y/N. If you need anything, don't hesitate to find me." He tells you and you nod, slowly starting to make your way past him toward Daryl. "Thanks." You respond.

"I'll see you around!" He calls out, causing you to turn and awkwardly half-smile at him as you continue walking away. He's awfully... Friendly?

Daryl is glaring at Spencer for a few seconds before he turns to look at you as you take a seat beside him on the stairs. "What?" You ask. He shrugs his shoulders and leans back, taking out a cigarette from his vest pocket. "What?" You repeat, wondering why he has a problem with Spencer. "Nothin." He responds sharply as he lights the cigarette and takes a long drag. "Right." You mutter under your breath. He hears but chooses to ignore your attitude.

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