Sing For Us - Daryl

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Request: " Hey love! I was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader sings but she only sings to carl and judith when they need it or they want it. So one day Carl asked her to sing in front of everyone and they are begging her to do it so she finally sang for them, a bit upset that carl had revealed her only little secret. Now, her bf Daryl when they get back to their house is a bit upset bcs he didn't know the reader sang and it ends in fluff ?! idk man hahahahaha"

Word Count: 707

Warnings: None, all fluff :)

Sometimes Judith was very hard to get to sleep. Usually you or Beth are able to soothe her off to sleep fairly easy, but other nights, it felt almost impossible.
This was one of those nights.
It was like she knew what she was doing and she just insisted on staying awake. You had tried almost every technique you knew, and yet she would still start crying the moment you tried to walk away when she closed her eyes.
Carl must have heard his sister crying because he came into the cell that he shares with her and stood beside you, stroking her cheek. "She refuses to sleep." You inform him tiredly.
"Maybe sing to her?" He suggests, his eyes lighting up as if he seemed hopeful that you would.

You give him a look and shake your head, before beginning to sing a lullaby you remembered from your childhood, rocking Judith back and forth gently in your arms.
And it worked. She was asleep before you finished the song and you hurried out of the room, praying she stayed asleep.
This happened a few more times, almost becoming a routine, Judith seemed to love it. You didn't want anyone in the group to know that you could sing, though. You were very embarrassed to do it in front of other people, even though in your heart you knew that you weren't a bad singer.
One night, almost everyone gathered outside for a campfire and some dinner. The sun had set, there were lots of stars visible in the sky, it wasn't too cold out - it was a perfect night.
You sat beside your archer boyfriend, eating a piece of deer meat and listening to Rick tell a story from his days as a cop, laughing at the dumb drunk he had arrested. When he finished his story and it got a little more quiet, was when Carl decided to ask "Can you sing for us, Y/N?" Everyone's eyes faced you and you felt like a deer in headlights.
"You can sing?"
"I didn't know you sang."
"Go on, I want to hear!"
You felt very insecure and nervous, but everyone was asking you to. How could you say no?
Maggie saw that you were uncomfortable and offered, "I'll sing with you, if you want." You nodded your head, silently thanking her, and she asked if you knew the song 'Y/F/S'.
You let her start, but after a moment you joined. When you saw that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, you let your guard down a little and actually started enjoying singing with Maggie, and Beth even joined in. It felt great, and it made the group feel a lot more peaceful, even if it was only temporary.
Later that night when you were getting ready for bed, you turned around and saw Daryl standing in the doorway of your cell. "Didn't know ya sang." He mutters, looking at you weird.
You give him a confused look and took a seat on your bed, removing your hair from its ponytail. "I don't like people knowing." You respond, hoping that will be the end of the conversation.
"Carl knew." He presses, looking a bit offended. You feel a little bad, putting yourself in Daryl's position, and sigh.
"Only because I sing to Judith. It has nothing to do with him or you. I just preferred keeping that a secret, I guess." You explain, laying down, feeling exhausted. He only grunts in response, but he drops it. "I'm on watch for a while." He informs you. You feel your heart sink a little, that means you'll be sleeping alone tonight.
"Alright..." You respond. He goes to walk out but you call out, "Hey!" He turns and looks at you, and you motion for him to come to you with your finger. He gives you a look, but comes anyway, approaching you at the side of your bed. You grab his hand and pull him down to your level, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles adoringly at you as he stands back up straight, running his thumb over your hand for a moment, then heading out of the room, and you drift off to sleep.

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