Day 4

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This is a non-profit project. I do not own Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil) or any of its characters. Youjo Senki is owned by studio NUT, Kadokawa Shoten, and Carlo Zen. Please support the official release. 

@menma-uzumaki69 asks: [Hello tiny blond child I was wondering if you had a sexual preference men women or both 😏]

Tanya glared on the blazing letters that hovered in the center of the room. "A tiny blond child..." She began. Viktoria tensed. "Fair enough." Major sighed, releasing all the strain from Viktoria, who rolled down in her chair. Tanya began a stride across the room, followed by Second Lieutenant 's gaze. 

"This body of mine is female, which would imply the attraction towards males, but..." Tanya looked at her subordinate, "She doesn't know." She thought, "Better keep it that way."

"There was a woman I adored against all logic." She meditated, "But it was almost 18 years ago. Being of another sex for 14 years changes your personality, so I guess-" She stopped her stroll and replied out loud, "It's both." 

"I didn't think..." Viktoria began.

"You've got problems with that, Second Lieutenant ?" Tanya glared.

"N- No!" She shrieked in response, "A- Anyway, it's the only question we received today and I thought..."

"What did you think, Second Lieutenant?"

"I just wondered, maybe you're hungry?" She closed her eyes, expecting a harsh response. 

Tanya thought for a moment, "I could go for a cup of coffee  right now..."

Viktoria jumped up from behind her desk, smiling widely on the unexpectedly mellow response, "How about a Kaffeehaus two blocks away from here, it opened up about a month ago?"

Tanya was already putting on her coat and opening the front door. Viktoria saw that and followed her example, closing the door behind them.

Don't be afraid to leave your questions and/or dares in the comment section, they will be answered in several days.

Until the next chapter!

#AskTanyaSenpai Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil) Q&AWhere stories live. Discover now