Day 7

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This is a non-profit project. I do not own Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil) or any of its characters. Youjo Senki is owned by studio NUT, Kadokawa Shoten, and Carlo Zen. Please support the official release.   

The group was looking around, admiring the grandiose view laid before them.

"Orders, Major?" Wiess asked.

Tanya took up confident stances, contemplating the possibility of her actually being in her previous world, possibilities it opens and what it meant for her. After a quick glance of the surroundings, she quickly recognised the area. The landed on top of the corporation HQ building she worked before dying. 

"At ease." Tanya affirmed, "This place or these people possess no threat to you."

"Major..." Viktoria quivered, "How do you know our location?"

Tanya sighed, "This is a place I lived and worked at for almost 30 years of my previous life."

Wing leaders owed in shock. 

"How is this even possible?" Glanz objected.

"My guess is that Readers are wielding a lot more power than I predicted."

Air besides the group lit up, shaping into burning letters:

user06937546 asks: [ Well sorry there major for the bad grammar. Probably you could teach me a better English? Also I kinda wonder what do you think of Lt Col Reguren? Your life really is interesting major haha]

"First of all, 'well', 'also' and noises are separated by commas. Second, 'a better English'? Omit the 'a'. Third, when addressing someone, separate the name by commas; 'major' means any possible person with a rank of a major, when addressing a specific major, capitalize it." Tanya scolded. (Sorry, user06937546 and Menma-uzumaki69, I don't want to be disrespectful to you, but Tanya is supposed to be, well, douchy and I didn't find a better way than to correct your grammar.)

"She really does care..." Viktoria thought while the minds of others were less admired by her doing.

"What do I think of Lieutenant-Colonel Reguren?" Tanya continued, "He seems like a caring person, he encouraged and agreed with me a lot while I was climbing the ranks. Now we are on friendly terms with him."

Words disappeared and she moved back to her troops. They were already standing in line. 

"Test your operational orbs, see if this world allows us to use magic." She commanded.

The fed their Orbs some of their magic, zeroing out the output. This technique was used to test synchronisation capability of multi-core Orbs without casting any spells, like idling an engine. The result was positive - they worked. 

Menma-uzumaki69 asks: [I lied I'm asking again, so tiny blond child what do you think about your subordinates any of them catch your interest if you get what I'm saying]

"These men and a woman are the best soldiers in the Imperial Army, they are talented, loyal and deadly, doing their job without second guessing their command - they are ideal. As to the second part of your question, I refuse to answer it." But in her mind, she thought: "That piece of shit Being-X made me answer these question, but that doesn't mean I have to answer them fully."

"Major, are we stuck here for ever?" Neumann asked.

"Amon said that we are here for three days, but there is a possibility that we won't be coming back."

AmonOfTheVoid asks: [*insert a laugh of multiple beings* welcome to Tanya's past life before the beacon for the weak took it from 'her'. You may hate me like being X, but the void will be you salvation. Now tanya if you were to find the welp being x used to take you away from here, how will you 'dispose' of the one of flesh and nerve whose mind was all so deluded. May the void save you from the pretender.]

"Speak of the Devil." Tanya chuckled. She looked at the Wing Leaders, they looked scared, trembling secretly, "You are scared of some cheap, distorted voice-over?" The glare fell upon them.

The group remembered their training, Tanya's chilling smile and ruthless regime. "No, Maam!" They cried in unity.

"That is what I thought." She barked.

"What is this 'beacon of the week' 'it' was talking about?" Koening asked.

"And why did it emphasise 'her'?" Neumann added.

"Koening, 'he' was talking about the person, who killed me," Tanya replied. Shocked owes could be heard from everyone.

"How is it even possible? Y- You are invincible, the White Silver, aren't you?" Glanz sniffed.

"Back here I didn't have any powers, I just managed human resources for the corporation we are standing on. When going back to my apartment, I was pushed under a train by a person I fired." Tanya read the second part of the question: "He should be in prison right now, so I won't be able to-" She stopped, an idea came to her, "I guess you will just have to wait and see."

Tanya grabbed her hairpin and pulled it out, letting her golden locks sway down.

"Major, what are you doing?" Viktoria curious-ed. 

"We can't stay on the roof for the time we are in this world. This country abhors war and there were no military conflicts in this region of the world for 70 years, so we can't go around in our uniforms."

"Major, why can't we stay on the roof?" Glanz asked.

"There are five armed guards patrolling it after dark, we are no match for them, but if we neutralize them, we will have an entire army on our backs in an hour. "Tanya replied, casting an optical illusion spell on herself. A white dress cascaded from her slender shoulders, her officer uniform was no longer visible.

"So cute." The thought ran through everyone's mind, "Like a child." After seeing her as their commanding officer and a ruthless killing machine for so long, they forgot that she is a child.

"Not fond of it, but it will do." Tanya groaned, looking at her illusion-clothes.

user06937546 asks: [Ooh I almost forgot. What is best thing that happen to you and worst too thx major]

"The worst thing that happened to me was probably the fact that I am an orphan that grew up in a church in the country historically destined to fall, at the time when the war broke out. And the best was me going to the military academy." Tanya responded.

She turned to her men and a woman, "You will have to change too. We are getting out."

Don't be afraid to leave your questions in the comment section, they will be answered in several days. Remember - you can also make them do stuff, not only answer questions; there are more people the just Tanya or Viktoria - you can ask them too; you are, pretty much, omnipotent beings, so you are able to modify the world they live in, adding or removing small objects... But don't go overboard with the last one, as Being-X will interrupt the transmission.

Until the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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