Day 5

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This is a non-profit project. I do not own Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil) or any of its characters. Youjo Senki is owned by studio NUT, Kadokawa Shoten, and Carlo Zen. Please support the official release.   

Menma-uzumaki69 asks: [Hey tiny child I have another question. What is your favorite drink from Starbucks]

"Venti pumpkin spice latte, whole milk, no syrup." Tanya sharped immediately after seeing the question.

AmonOfTheVoid asks: [Greetings Kommander and Victoria. Tanya are there any times outside of combat that you hate your height? Visha what were your thoughts of Tanya when you first met? aal fin hahjok Rah dir, our as your kind say 'may the false god die'(the text appears in blocks. After one sentence is answered, the second appears in its place.)

"There is a plenty of times when my height." Said Tanya, "For example, any of the top shelves are problematic; there is a problem with always looking up, so I am having issues with neck pains; it's hard to impose authority when the first impression people get from you is 'oh, what a cute child'."

"But you are cute!" Viktoria's voice came from behind a pile of papers. Tanya glared there and even though Second Lieutenant didn't see it, she felt the ominous stare of her superior burning through the paper column, "I'm s-sorry, Major!"

Tanya sighed, "Just answer your part of the question." She got back into her chair and leaned back in it. Viktoria jumped up from behind her desk, looking at the hovering text in the middle of the room, "I have a question?" She hopped to the text to see it better. "When we first met? Oh, I remember, the first impression I had of the Major was 'Vampire' - she was looking at her new recruits like she was toying with us. I was expecting her to think extremely lowly of me as I was paired with her for the first mission, but instead, she flicked my shoulder and said you have my deepest respect for your duties. Right there and then I saw how nice she is, how patriotic and loyal she is and also, how cute and adorable she is." Tanya sighed in the background. Viktoria continued: "But then, she turned to the two other recruits, the volunteers, and told them with a scary look on her face to die if they don't meet her standards. After that we were dispatched to the front lines - I was scared, covered in mud and blood of my comrades. One soldier from the Republican soldiers tried to stab me, but Major just sliced him in half with a swing of her hand - which terrified me, but also helped me cope with the battlefield."

"Vampire, huh?" Tanya thought.

"Major, I think the next sentence is for you. May the false god die?"

"Indeed, he may." Tanya smirked.

Don't be afraid to leave your questions in the comment section, they will be answered in several days. Remember - you can also make them do stuff, not only answer questions; there are more people the just Tanya or Viktoria - you can ask them too; you are, pretty much, omnipotent beings, so you are able to modify the world they live in, adding or removing small objects... But don't go overboard with the last one, as Being-X will interrupt the transmission. 

Until the next chapter!  

#AskTanyaSenpai Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil) Q&AWhere stories live. Discover now