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Star looked around. "Mom! Where are you?" She shouted out in the ruins of the tower. River put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Star, I'm sure your mother was just helping some of the mewmans." Star nodded.
"I suppose..."
She turned around and saw Marco standing there next to Buff Frog. He ran to her and she ran to him. They hugged for the longest time before finally tugging apart from eachother. "I...I thought you were gone! But how did you turn into that?" Star giggled and pulled her hair behind her ear. "I don't even know how I did that! It just kinda happened!" The two teens shared a laugh together.
"Well my boy Marco, you sure make my daughter happy. I suppose I can let you be king someday when you and Star get old enough to rule." Star and Marco blushed at that thought. "Dad, Marco is just a friend of mine! Besides, he has a nice girlfriend and a family back home."
"Hehe, yeah I do."
It went silent for a moment before Buff Frog said something. "Don't you think we should clean these castle ruins?" He said in his thick accent. Star nodded and started cleaning up some of the rubble. Everyone else did too. There were bricks and dirt piled everywhere. They had been only a quarter through the mess when Moon arrived. "Mom!" Star ran over to her and gave her a big hug. "Yes?"
"Nothing, I just missed you."
Moon smiled at her. The sun was beginning to set so they all decided to seek shelter in what remained of the castle. The king and queen went to their room as Star went to go find hers.
"Hey Buff Frog, you coming?" Buff Frog shook his head.
"I must get back to my precious babies, but I will come back tomorrow." He said to her. Marco went inside of the broken tower.
"Hey Marco...do you want to talk for a minute?" Star said to him quietly.
The two friends walked down the chipped stairs talking about what happened before Star had left so suddenly.
"Yeah, I was waiting to see you come back. But I remembered I had those dimensional scissors Hekapoo gave me. Then I just came here to find you..." Marco paused. He looked down and slowly said, "But I never knew you like me as more than a, you know, friend." Star covered her mouth.
"Oh yeah...hehe..." She smiled and blushed as red as a rose, then sat down on the steps.
"I do have a crush on you, I hope that's not too weird." Star twirled her hair around he finger anxiously. Marco looked at her.
"Nah, I wouldn't worry about it."
"Really? You're fine with it?"
"Who wouldn't be?"
Marco chuckled and stood up. Star got up with him. "Let's just find a room to sleep in, okay?" Marco said. Star agreed and they went to look. Eventually, they found Star's room.
"Woah, this room is huge! This must be a nice place to sleep in." Marco said astonished. Star ran and jumped onto her bed. "Woohoo!" She shouted.
Marco laughed and sat down on her bed next to her. Star sat down next to him.
"Oh! I almost forgot to get you a bed!" Star got up and pointed her new wand at an empty wall. She cast a spell and there appeared a bed.
"That wand looks so cool! But why does it keep changing?"
Marco asked.
Star shrugged. "I dunno, I guess it just happens, ya know? Anyways, you should get to bed now."
"Yeah, I'm so tired." Marco said sleepily. He yawned, took off his shoes, and got into the second bed. Star went into her closet and changed into her nightgown. She came out and got under the covers.
"Goodnight Marco."
"Night Star."

I Want You //DISCONTINUED//Where stories live. Discover now