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     Star woke up suddenly. She looked across from her bed and saw Marco snoring fast asleep on the guest bed. She grabbed her blankets tightly. Star had the weirdest dream that she and Marco were...dating? That was right. She shook her head and got up sluggishly. She and changed into her green octopus dress. Then she went downstairs to see if her parents were awake. Star tip toed to their room and saw her mom sleeping, but her dad was no where to be found. She looked around what was left of the castle until she saw her dad upstairs moving some bricks. Star looked at her phone and saw the time. It was 4:53 in the morning, why was her dad awake?
    River jumped. "Star! Why are you awake?" He asked.
"My question is why are you awake?" Star looked confused.
"I was just cleaning up some of this mess, but why are you awake at this time?" River asked again. "Uhhh," Star stuttered. "I had a bad dream is all." River nodded.
"It's okay, tell me all about it darling."
    Star chuckled nervously. "I'm going to go eat something, I'm hungry." She started off, then River called her over.
"Star, come here."
    Star was confused. "Me and your mother were talking and we decided to let you stay with Marco on Earth as long as you want." River said to her.
"Wait really? You guys mean it?"
    River nodded. Star jumped and squealed. She was so excited. She went to the dining room and saw a small corn breakfast sitting there. She shrugged and started gobbling it down. After that she went to her room and wrote in her small journal.
Dear diary,
    Guess what? Mom and dad are letting me stay with Marco again! I'm so excited! Also, last night me and Marco talked about how much I liked him. He understood, it's just that I don't want to get in the way of him and Jackie dating. I know she probably misses him, plus not being able to talk to him since he left his phone back on Earth by accident. Still, I'm sure Marco misses his home. He seemed pretty happy to see me though, which is good. That's all for now.
    Star wrote for a while before packing to leave for Earth again. She packed all her outfits and found another outfit she must have forgotten to pack last time. It was her light blue narwhal dress with another pair of leggings and boots. She held it up, then put it in her trunk. By the time she packed all of her belongings it was 8:04 and Marco was waking up. He yawned and stretched his arms. He rubbed his eyes and got up. Marco looked around confused, then realized where he was. "Star, how long have you been awake? And why are you packing?" Star looked up at him.
"Marco, you're awake! Now hurry up and get ready, we're going back to Earth!" Star said to Marco.
"Wait, what?" He said tired.
    Star shook her head. "We're going back to Earth, didn't you hear me? My parents are letting me go!" Marco smiled. "That's great, when do you want to go?"
"In 10 minutes maybe?"
"That works fine for me."
Star laughed and grabbed Marco's hand. She rushed out the door, leaving Marco putting on his shoes while running. "Star! Wait up!" He finally got his shoes on and they both went downstairs.
    Everyone was up now, and sitting in the dining room. "Ahem" she said. Nobody heard her so she said it again. "AHEM." Star said louder. She caught her parents attention. "Yes Star? What would you like?"
Star started to tell them. "Hey mom and dad, I'm going to leave for Earth in about..." Star glanced at the big grandfather clock. "7 minutes, so I want to say goodbye to you guys." Moon's mouth gaped wide. "Why would you want to leave so soon darling? We still have things-" River stepped in. "This is Star's choice, not ours to make. She can go with her boyfriend back on Earth whenever she wants." Star blushed.
"Dad, he is not my boyfriend! For the hundredth time!" She said to him. River laughed. "I know, I was joking with you." Marco stood by the window, looking out on the kingdom. He looked at the Butterfly family. They were so happy, it reminded him of his own family. He missed his mom and dad, and they missed him too. He sighed and walked over to Star.
"I think we should get going, or else we'll miss time for summer break." Marco said to Star.
"Yeah, we should," She said. Star ran upstairs to grab her trunk. She opened the door to her room, and grabbed her things. She looked at the guest bed and saw Marco's hoodie. She picked it up and something fell out. It was a picture of him and Jackie together. Star looked closely at it, examining everything. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. Wait...why was she crying? She should feel happy for her best friend. She put the picture back in the pocket and wiped her eyes. Star went downstairs with slightly red eyes from crying. She went to Marco. "Ready?" he asked. Star nodded. "Wait, I forgot about this!" Star handed Marco's hoodie to him.
"Thanks Star, I almost forgot it up there, haha!" He put on the red hoodie. Marco cut open a rift and they both walked through the portal, heading back to Earth.

I Want You //DISCONTINUED//Where stories live. Discover now