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Fandom: none

Name: Gwen Alister

Gender: female

Age: 27
Wow.. she's not a teenager (yessss)

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: loud, Energetic, mischievous
I don't juge a personality until I get to know the oc Soo...

Backstory: Gwen grew up wrestling with her brothers. Ever since she was 7 she decided that she would become a professional wrestler. Gwen trained and trained to achieve her dream. She dropped out of high school in 12th grade to continue to train. She worked in independent shows gaining    popularity. When Gwen was 23 she was asked by WWE if she wanted to get a development contact with them. After working for NTX for four years Gwen was finally called up to the main roster of WWE.
That...was...amazing. I would love to read a story about her.

Likes: wrestling, Video games, alternative music, bright colors
I never would have guessed she would like bright colors. Nice

Dislikes: jump scares in Video games, romcoms

Family: Ronald Alister (dad)
Carol Alister(mom)
Shane and Cole Alister (twin brothers)

Crush: Sam Zayn another wrestler she meets in NXT
At least we know who he is

Appearance: Dyed silver hair (originaly brown) straight hair, green eyes, 5'6'', 132 pounds, usually Waring dresses in bright colors

Great she's not 9 pounds!

Over all I love it. She's original, she's, interesting and I'm love her

Mary sue: 0%
Interestingness: 100%

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