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Fandom: Harry Potter (yes we need more fandoms)

Name: Priscilla osuiro (it's Japanese)
I like it

Gender: female

Age: 15

Sexuality: lesbian sameee

Personality: oblivious, day dreamer, sarcastic, impatient, Short tempered, blunt, loyal
This is only like 2% sue

Backstory: Priscilla grew up with her grandfather, a wizard...or he had been a wizard. He was still capable of doing magic, but the potential to write a good story didn't make anyone an author, did it? He had been a wizard but didn't use magic anymore. Priscilla was sent to him by her mother after her parents spilt up when she was 9 because her mother found out her dad was a wizard and she was a hardcore Christan who thought it was satanic. Priscilla never really understood, but she didn't care. She loved being with her grandfather, even if he was annoying at times. When she turned 11 she went to Samle Academy of witchcraft in America even though she would rather go to Hogwarts. She was surprised that, much like Hogwarts, Sleam had houses although there were only 3. She was sorted in to Salem Slytherin, sanguis, the house of the fox. She made a really good friend named Allie, an American with pale skin and black hair that reached her waist. However, when she was in her 3d year her charms professor Animosus told her Dumbledore wanted her at Hogwarts and she had the choice to transfer. She still wanted to go but she didn't want to leave Allie. After all she was her best friend. Priscilla went to Hogwarts and got sorted into Slytherin.
I liked it. The reason why she left her dad is totally reasonable. I like it

Likes: chocolate, Harley Quinn, climbing trees, reading

Dislikes: snobs, death eaters, mody voldy (me laughing my a*s off), brats, argueing

Family: her grandfather samuel

Crush: none

Appearance: heart shaped face, black hair usally in a ponytail, acne on her forehead yes, almond shaped eyes, light brown skin, dark brown eyes
Ok she's not White... Cool

Overall I think she's pretty good. Her backstory and not going to Hogwarts for the first school is interesting

Mary Sue: 5%
Amazingness: 95%
Painfulness: 0%

PS you can send in more than 1 oc

Mary sue testerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz