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Fandom: none

Name: Sunny Royal
I'll let it go

Gender: female

Age: 15
I'll let it slide

Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: Sunny is very sarcastic and blunt, usually saying what's on her mind. She's very hot headed and doesn't think before she's acts. However she's loyal and kind if you deserve it
Ok I think its better that a lot of oc's and I like how her flaws out number her strengths

Backstory: Sunny grew up with her mom, who was only 15 years older than her. She was a drunken mistake (here we go) but her mom never treated her like a mistake (oh). She grew up in a happy normal family and adopted a little boy named Jacob
Well that was pretty good. Not to detailed but it doesn't need to be :) nice job

Likes: Video games, candy same, chocolate, her friends, Harley Quinn, YouTube
Cool all normal

Dislikes: brats,snobs, liars, backstabbers, cheerleading
Same :)

Family: her mom and Jacob

Crush: none for now

Appearance: a heart shaped face , green eyes, and long black hair
Kinda sue-ish

Over all she's pretty great I like her backstory, and personality :)

Mary Sue: 4%
Amazingness: 96%
Painfulness: 1%

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