
108 5 7

Fandom: none

Name: Alice Taft
For some reason I really like that name

Gender: female

Age: 12

Appearance: Orange hair ( my second favorite color) her left eye is green (she has heterochromia a condition that gives people two different colored eyes) yay she has a reason! She has to wear braces (awesome!) 4'10, 101 pounds,

Sexuality: straight

Personality: observant, impatient, humorous, stubborn
I feel like they go together nicely

Backstory: Alice is the daughter of two wizards, as a result she is a wizard I'll let it go if you don't give her much power as well. To learn more magic, Alice attends a school called Seraphing Academy. During her first year of school Alice meets a student, Kenny Omega, who is a leader of the group called The Bullet Club. After a few months Alice joins the club. Suddenly students start to go missing during school. The group doesn't pay mind until on of the men go missing. It's up to Alice and the rest of the bullet club to figure out who's taking the students and save their friend before it's to late.
Is that a book plot or something?? Make a book about her please!!

Likes: Pokemon, YouTube same, dragons I love dragons, loud music

Dislikes: people making fun of her for her eyes, slow internet, sour candy I hate sour candy

Family: Katherine Taft: mother (38), Drew Taft: father (39), Isabella Taft: sister (8) Brandi Taft: sister (4) Corey Taft: brother (6 months)

Crush: Nick Jackson one of the members of the bullet club a very loud and energetic boy I feel they would fit together nicely

Over all she's so interesting! I need a book on her!

Mary Sue: 0%
Amazingness: 100%

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