eleven: peter's apartment

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     After my knock echoed loudly through the hallway, it was only a matter of seconds until the door in front of me swung open, revealing Peter. Initially, I couldn't smell it, but after a while the tang his strong cologne seared over to me, causing me to cough.

     Peter looked mortified as he apologetically said, "Is my cologne bothering you? I'm sorry. Come in."

     His apartment was small but filled with life. The first room was the living room and kitchen. Two small couches were pushed up together and were placed across from the television set. Behind this, lay a small table that could barely seat four. I walked behind Peter as we trailed forward, passing the variety of counters and ovens with cutlery and vegetables sprawled across them.

     A petite woman stood in front of the sink, vigorously washing dishes. She wore high waisted pants that were tinted a vibrant shade of violet, a white tank top, and a large array of bangles that were strewn on to her wrists. She raised one of her fingers, the lilac nail polish on it stood out, and she lifted her metal-rimmed glasses. They rested chunkily on the bridge of her nose and curled past her thick sideburns to her ear. The woman turned around to face me, her expression brightening drastically as my reflection danced on the lenses of her glasses. After rubbing suds off her hands, she moved towards me.

     "May, nice to meet you," The woman chirped. She then leaned in and whispered, "I told Peter not to wear that putrid cologne, but you know how kids get when you disagree with them."

     I laughed at this comment and introduced myself to her. The woman came off assertive but kind. May seemed like the typical aunt that belonged to a boy like Peter. She was a woman who had her wits about her but wasn't a stranger to joking around.

     She led me over to Peter's room after offering me a feast of food. The door that led into his room was covered in posters. The posters displayed the Avengers, with a silver A positioned in the center. I reached over to handle and began to twist it. Once the door was completely opened, I was met with a boy. The boy had short brown hair and his mouth was gaping open. A large pile of Legos were strewn out in front of him, and he sat, legs crossed and arms tangled, behind them. I recognized the boy from school. He was always with Peter. However, now it was odd to see him sprawled out across the floor of Peter's room rather than passionately waving his arms in correlation to the concept he was relaying to Peter.

     "Hello," I humbly said as I walked over to him. The boy placed down the part he was holding and ran a hand through his hair. Breathlessly, he greeted me back. Suspicion began to consume me as I licked my lips. Before the boy had any more time to nervously peer at me, Peter walked in. The strong scent of his cologne was gone.

     He led me into his room. Gray walls surrounded the bunk beds and desk that made up his modest decor. His bed, which was lazily strewn together, had dents on it where Ned had previously sat.

     "Please, get comfortable. I see you've met Ned," Peter said as he eased the two of us into a conversation.

     Before he could continue, Ned spoke, "You didn't tell me that your friend was a girl."

     At this, Peter's heavy chuckle coincided with Ned's forced laughter. To add in good measure, I pressed a weary smile on to my lips. I found an empty area of the room and decided to sit down. The two looked at me and exchanged glances.

     "She's the one who demolished Flash in Academic Decathlon the other day," Peter related. A smile drifted on to my face as I remembered the events that had unfolded earlier this week.

     Ned made the connection and a visage of relief replaced his worried expression. He laughed and said, "That was epic. I thought he was gonna pass out. Anyways, how'd you end up in Queens?"

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