sixteen: greetings from stark

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     A week had passed by, and I managed to find myself in Peter's apartment once more. A program was ringing out of his television and we eagerly watched with wide eyes and legs slung over the coffee table in front of us. The woman on the screen slowly descended down the dimly lit hallway that faced her. Peter nervously bit his fingernails as the tension built. However, it was ceased when a loud knocking sound echoed through the room. We both scowled. Peter swung over the couch and sauntered over to his door. He peeked through the small opening, standing on his toes to see, and tensed up as he saw what was outside.

     "Rose, about that Stark Internship that I have..." He paused for a moment but was unable to finish before his door swung open.

    A look of horror crept on to my face when I saw who was on the other side. My stomach clenched and I hopped up from my stationary position on the couch. I stood there, completely frozen as the situation registered in my system.

     "Listen, Peter, we are going to need to talk in private."

     Tony Stark comfortably walked into the apartment as if he owned the place. Peter bounced on his toes. It took a moment for Tony to notice my presence, but when he did he inquisitively scrutinized me as he scanned me up and down. He approached me. At that moment I felt absolutely transparent, as though the man in front of was able to read through any mask of emotion that I could attempt to put up. This was absolutely not on my schedule, and I wasn't sure how Isaac would want me to react to the situation. Neither of them knew that I was more aware than they suspected me to be, and I was determined to keep it that way. I found my feet leading me directly in front of him.

     He crossed his arms and confidently said, "I see that your unbearably attractive aunt has been replaced with your charming girlfriend."

     Peter and I both shied away and bashfully stared at the ground. Peter scratched the back of his neck and uttered, "We're just friends, Mr. Stark."

     "I see." Stark skeptically nodded. "Why don't we have our conversation in your room, Peter? Sorry to bother you two. I have important news for all of our interns."

     Understanding that his last sentence addressed me, I took my cue to sit back down. Peter and Tony walked into the next room and slammed the door shut. Once their muffled voices began to stream through the bottom of the door, I slowly climbed out of my position and walked soundlessly. My back slid against the wall as I crouched down. My ear was pressed up against the hardwood of the door.

     Inside, Peter was watching Tony as he followed him in. His arrival was a surprise, and Peter was taking time to process it all. His mind drifted back to earlier this year when Tony had invited him to Germany in this exact situation. The Civil War between the Avengers had been violent, and it still shook him to this day.

     "The girl seems nice, but you better make sure that her father isn't a member of the Sinister Six," He said, laughing aloud with his joke. This was a reference to last year when he had accidentally developed a crush and partially gone to Homecoming with the daughter of an evil mastermind. He knew that this joke was simply him stalling his next sentence. Stark hesitantly said, "Steve called me yesterday. He told me that it was time we got over all that had happened."

     "Geez, that's great Mr. Stark!" Peter said, his mood piping up. Steve, or Captain America, and Tony had not ended on good terms after a Civil War between the Avengers had broken out. The situation had developed tension between them all, and no one had bothered to break it.

     It was evident that Tony was waiting to reveal something else, but was slightly restrained. Stark scratched the back of his neck and made his way over to Peter's bed. Once he reached it, his body sat down limply. His shoulders were caved in and his eyes sunk into the dark bags that lay under them. His exterior was uncharacteristic. The emotionless Iron Man that Peter was used to had disappeared. Something was eating at him, and he appeared to be devastated by the fact that he needed to produce a decision. Peter knew that this was a time to listen.

     "He gave me a set of rules that he wants me to follow." The man gazed over at Peter, locking gazes with him. He then continued, "Steve wants two new members to enroll into the Avengers. He wants to have the majority on his side... He also wants equal control over the cooperation."

     Peter nodded his head and probed Stark, "Two new members couldn't be too difficult, but I'm confused on equal control."

     "He wants a clause that would guarantee equal partnership. If we were to disagree on something again, like we did on the Sokovia Accords, then Stark Industries would have no right to arrest any of the team. If we did, then he could sue me and buy out Stark Industries."

     The truth had come out. Peter realized that Tony had been resisting this for a reason. Was he willing to chance Stark Industries at the expense of alliance? One thing was certain, things would never be the same again. No action would remain without a repercussion and no decision could be made without risk. And the decision that lay in front of Stark was tearing him apart.

     "Whichever decision you make Mr. Stark, I respect it."

     Tony gave a heavy sigh and slowly shook his head as a small chuckle left him. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at this action. Tony slowly got up and walked towards the door. His hand gripped the doorknob but stayed stationary in its place.

     "I learned a thing or two from that battle Peter," he said, bowing his head, "We all lost something. That comes with being an Avenger. But now I've realized that there are some things that aren't worth losing. Not for pride. Not for money. And as long as I live, I will never lose our alliance again."

     His decision was clear. His hand twisted and the hinges of the door relaxed. Peter watched him as he resumed his usual composure and exited his room. Tony had always resumed the egotistical adult archetype, but for the first time, his words portrayed him as a sage. This wise act would quickly wear off in his actions that followed.

     I perked up at the sound of Tony approaching the door and jumped back onto the couch. Moments later, it opened and he emerged. I smiled at him and stood up, preparing for his departure. Peter trailed after him seconds later, looking unusually pale. Who was Steve, and what were the Sokovia Accords? Stark edged over to me. He took his time to take in the stature of my whole body. His eyes appeared as though they were judging me constructively. My willpower weakened as the desire for me to curl up into my previous position on Peter's couch deepened.

     "I should be going. Nice seeing--"

     Tony's cut off his speech as his hand swung forward at me. His fist reached inches away from my chest. I blocked his punch instinctively and twisted his arm. He flipped over and the loud groan that stifled from Stark's mouth was muffled under the thump of his body striking the ground. Peter rushed over to stop me until Stark raised his arm, signaling for Peter to pause. I gasped when my senses flooded back. I had just flipped a billionaire and one of the most powerful men alive. Tony moaned as Peter yanked him up.

     "Mr. Stark, I don't know what got into me. I am so sorry," I quickly said, guilt lacing my tone.

     Tony watched me with a satisfied expression, "You have nice instincts, good combat form, and quick reflexes."

     Peter looked just as shocked as I did at these words. I had just hurt the man and now he was complimenting me? An unsettling feeling overwhelmed me. I scratched the back of my neck, waiting for him to continue. He was clearly tossing around an idea and was waiting to let it out.

     "How would you like a job at Stark Industries?"

     My eyes widened and I leaned in, unable to comprehend that I had heard him correctly. My eyes ran between the two people in front of me. Tony Stark had just given me a spur of the moment job offer. My next words hung at the tip of my tongue, pushing for an exit into the atmosphere around us.

     "Stark Industries? A job?" I breathlessly said. Peter's eyes had widened as well. I stood there for a moment, gaping at Tony. Understanding that he wasn't going to get an immediate answer, he pressed his card into my hand. Before I could blatantly stare at him for any longer, he left.

    One thought replayed through my mind, how would Isaac react to this offer?


And the plot thickens... How do you feel about Tony Stark entering this book? Let me know down below and please like this chapter! Next week when we shall meet again. Until then, have a wonderful week!

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