twenty nine: listen up, rogers

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     I sat in the classroom, frantically looking around. Where was Peter? It wasn't like him to be late. Maybe he'd caught the flu or had some reason to skip, but today was the day that I had been planning to reveal everything. I tapped my pencil against the desk and gazed at the door nervously. The teacher of my class had been blindly uttering monotonous lessons, and my chest felt as though it was ready to burst with kinetic energy. The empty desk where Peter usually sat wasn't occupied, and its void left me in a panic. He would have let me know. Something is wrong.

     Suddenly a man appeared at the door. He had rich blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. His stature was muscular, and he had a comfortable, confident look about him. My teacher stopped lecturing and walked up to the door. The two talked quiet and all the students struggled to decipher the mumbling. Our teacher nodded solemnly and uttered monotonous sentences. ("I'm so sorry to hear that".)

     Finally, she turned around to the class and said assertively, "I want you all to pack up your things. Mr. Rogers is going to be speaking. I expect you to be respectful."

     She then shook her head and went over to her desk, running her hands through her hair. Rogers walked to the front of the class and my heart stopped. For a moment, my eyes caught his rich blue ones, and I feel my stomach sink. It was as though my mind was recalling facts for a test. I knew everything about the man standing in front of me. Isaac had never shied away from preparing me with all knowledge on the Avengers. It was almost unreal, seeing this man standing in the flesh that I had studied for so long.

     Something was wrong. There was no reason in which this Avenger would be in our classroom, furrow on his forehead and bags under his eyes, if something weren't wrong. Steve's hands were shoved into his dark jeans and his shoulders were hunched beneath a navy sweatshirt that he wore. He took a heavy sigh, and finally, he lifted his chin up.

     "I have bad news. Peter, your classmate and an intern with our cooperation, has gone missing. We're not sure why or how he disappeared, but all of us at Stark Industries has launched an investigation. Now, we need your help. If any of you have any idea of where he may be or who he may be with, please let me know now."

     My fingers dug into my palms and I felt blood collecting as my nails shattered my skin. It was too late. I had missed my chance, and Isaac has taken him. It was my fault. All the classmates looked at each other, each waiting to see a hand break the thick mood of mourning. Finally, a girl in the front raised her hand. She had a tight ponytail at the top of her head and her jaw moved up and down as she chewed mint gum.

     "This isn't the first time he's gone missing, ya know?"

     Calmly, Rogers responded, "Yes, we are aware. However, we are requesting any information regarding this most recent disappearance. Anyone?"

     He looked desperately around the room, scanning all the faces of the kids. He gave thanks for our time, and then he began to walk out. My chest rattled in my chest with unbearable force and my feet bounced, beginning me to lead me out of my chair my chair. At the entrance of the classroom lay a wood door that I had so flippantly passed in and out of. Now, if I left, it would change my life as I knew it. Would I risk the lives of my family and everything I cared for to reveal what I knew?

     The truth crashed into me like a flood. Everything had been leading up to this one moment. I had passively sat aside and let Isaac toss me around like a rag doll. I finally had control. I could finally become the hero if there is one after all. I was done being a pawn, and I was ready to be a player.

     When I pushed back my chair, the floor trembled beneath me. The voices of my fellow students faded away and time melted beneath my radiating body. My footsteps echoed power and my blaring gaze could burn all it touched. I was finally myself. My hand ripped the silver door handle beneath it, and I ripped open the wood door. I passed through the facade and entered the hallway. Steve was on the phone with someone, and he spoke frantically.

     "Rogers, hang up."

     He peered up from his phone and his expression quickly morphed into an expression of confusion. The man tilted his head slightly and then pressed the phone back to his ear. My confidence was leaving, and I began to doubt myself. I must have looked like some silly girl to such an important superhero. You can move mountains, Rose, a voice echoed in my head.

     "I said hang up. You're going to want to hear this," I finally said. The shake of my voice had disappeared and my sentences came out clear, with intention. Steve ended his conversation and tucked his phone into his back pocket. He crossed his arms and glared at me sternly.

     "I know where Peter is and who has him. I will tell you everything if you promise me three things: the safety of my family, my own safety, and freedom."

     He cocked an eyebrow before saying, "And how do I know that what you're saying is true? For all I know, you could just be some girl seeking attention from a hot-shot superhero."

    I stepped forward and raised my head slowly, trying to gain some advantage over his height. I forcefully said, "You don't. And that's sexist... But look, if you don't trust me on this then I can walk back into that classroom, sit at that desk, and continue taking notes. But, I guarantee that you won't find Peter. Or, you take me, the only chance you have at finding him. Your choice, Rogers. Choose wisely."

     Our eyes connected and we stared at each other, both refusing to break gaze. For a brief moment, I could see the corners of his mouth subtly raise. Finally, Rogers reached his hand forward and grasped mine. His grip was firm. We shook three times and he told me, without skipping a beat, "Then I guess we have ourselves a deal."

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