thirty two: in the eye of the hurricane

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     Finally, we arrived. The building was made of a dull stone and the day breathed cold, stale air. I opened the car door and stared at the ground. I didn't want to touch my foot to the floor. I didn't want the nightmare to become real. The sole of my foot touched the ground and I felt as though the world engulfed me. In that building this whole mess had started. In that building this whole mess was finally going to end. It killed me to know that Peter was trapped in there. The place was sullen. The harsh cement of the walls looked sunken in and their dull exterior reflected a bright white. There were several marble columns that shielded the entrance. The columns spiraled with thick curls and stood like iron giants. The entrance was a heavy glass door.

     Isaac escorted me into the building. I felt as though I was walking forward ready to receive my death sentence. The interior of the building was clouded with bitter, cold air. At sight of both of us, all the workers in the area shrunk inwards. Isaac led me into a small room after a short walk. There was a single cot with muslin sheets and a wool blanket. An armoire sat to the side and two doors led into the restroom and the closet. When viewing the room, only one thought came to my mind: the place was a prison. It was clear that the room was meant for me. I collapsed onto my bed. How long was Isaac intending to keep me here?

     "Feel free to explore the perimeters. I'll pick you up in an hour. Don't do anything stupid. If you try to escape or kill anyone I'll murder your loved ones. There's a cafeteria on the third floor if you're hungry and a convenient store below you. Don't go into the west wing of the building. Got it?"

     "Got it," I replied. He tucked his hands into his pockets and left the room. I waited until the door had shut to turn up the volume of my earpiece. I awaited Tony's response. Even though nothing eventful was occurring, my heart still echoed, an empty chamber in my chest.

     Tony said, "Why don't you go and explore the area, Rose? We have a camera on you, so we'll be able to scope out a full map. Explore everything. Don't leave a door unopened and a desk unturned."

     I nodded and got up with strained movements. This palace was unparalleled to Stark Industries. Both of the headquarters were vast, large, and empty, but even so, this place seemed like a whole other world. Every step that was taken lead forward in honor of a cause that had no dignity and every movement that was initiated moved with intention. I felt a void that I had not felt since my first time here. Quite possibly, it was the gaping souls of all those that had died there.

     I tried not to think too profoundly about it. I wouldn't want to scare myself more than I already was scared. One thing was sure: I wasn't that quiet girl from Philadelphia anymore, and that hurt me. I glanced at the hands that had once belonged to a girl that was so carefree and kind. She complained about the school lunch and teachers assigning too much homework. She took life for granted. I could never be that way again.

     Once you lose your ignorance, you can't regain it. The worst part of it all was that I could feign smiles at parties with friends and excitement over school dances, but I could never experience them truthfully. When someone has seen things in life that others could not begin to imagine, they can't simply ignore it. They carry that knowledge with them for the rest of time. I couldn't settle for the trivial anymore because I've seen things that would never allow me to smile a carefree smile ever again. I didn't choose any of it, but all the more, I had accepted it with open arms.

     So I walked the facility. I gave Tony eyes that could help him build a map and could help me find my way back to Peter, wherever he was. The whole event was strange. I was a captive without shackles, but I still wasn't walking free. I returned to my room when Isaac had told me too. Soon enough, I heard a knock on my door. He entered and leaned his back on the door frame. He had reverted back to his intimidation game.

     "You're going to get to see Peter, Rose." I stood up and tilted my head. He had my attention. "And you're going to tell him a part of the truth: you betrayed him and have been feeding me information behind his back. You will not, however, disclose that I have been blackmailing you or forcing you to do this in any way. If you do... I've scuffed him up a little bit. He's got a couple of scratches; it's nothing bad. If you tell him the truth, I'll torture him until he wishes that he weren't alive."

     He grabbed me forcefully by the arm and yanked me forward. Soon enough, we were in a barren hallway. I recalled that the elevator had opened to a large sign that said "West Wing". I was assuming that Isaac had placed his vital rooms in this wing. No wonder Peter was here. He opened a door abruptly and I was led into the first room of two. The room had a large double-sided mirror and on the other side I saw--

     "Peter," Tony said over the intercom in my ear, "is in more danger if you tell him the truth. He'll turn on you. He'll get so angry that he won't leave that building until he's sure that you're dead. Not because you put him in danger, but because he knows that you put the rest of us in danger. You need to buy us time to get there. Tell Peter that Isaac blackmailed you. That's the only way we'll have time to make it. We're forty minutes away. I know what you're thinking. Peter can take torture. He's a hero. Now, go."

     I stared forward past the glass. Peter was strapped down to a hard metal chair. His curls were in shambles as they lay loosely over his head. He had a thick cut over his right eyebrow that was stained with fresh blood and a large bruise ran from his calve. His large brown eyes were filled with large tears, but not a single one cascaded down his face. It was tragic: his pitiful deceit of being strong. He was loosely hanging by a thread and couldn't hide it. His temples were deep in worry and his eyes were a poignant red. I wasn't sure why, but there was an odd mood in the air, one that I didn't recognize.

     Finally, we entered the room. Peter's eyes flashed upwards and met mine. His eyes softened when they saw me. A small smile tugged at the corner of his cheek and his back straightened. He leaned forward. But there was still something wrong and it was just another reason that I felt sick to my stomach. Isaac nodded his head as if telling me that I had to speak.

    I stared at Peter and finally said, "This man has been blackmailing me into being a spy. I have had no choice in the matter."

     Isaac let out a roaring chuckle and pushed me backward. I found myself against a wall, peering straight into his eyes. The collar of my shirt was trapped beneath his iron grip. His eyes reflected his deep smile.

     "There's one thing I can't stand. And that's when people don't know how to keep their mouths shut," He bellowed out in a deep voice. He then turned his head and yelled, "Turn it off. The simulation's over."

     To my horror, Peter's body froze for a moment and suddenly disappeared. He was never there. His body was just a simulation and Isaac had been testing me. Peter would never know the truth and I would never be the one to tell him. My chance was up. Isaac yanked me deeper into the room and sat me down where Peter's chair had been. And for the first time, I screamed a deafening scream. My hands were trapped in tight handcuffs and my legs were bound together by rope.

    "Don't hurt Peter! It's my mistake. Isaac, please," I screamed hysterically as Isaac narrowed his eyes.

    "I think you've forgotten the damage I can do, Rose. My men are on their way to torture Peter, and I'm going to stay and torture you. That way, we all win. In twenty minutes, we're going to try this again, but this time it won't be a simulation. I think we have some time, don't you? After all, the rest of the Avengers won't be here for another forty minutes."

Arachnophobia ⇒ Peter ParkerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя