Chapter 1: =:= Transported =:=

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A/N Hello fellow Wattpad writers! I thank you for the ten reads even though it's very small. I love Wicked with an unadulterated passion and I'm glad to know that a lot also love it. I would like to give a shoutout to ShireDweller for being the first person to comment on my story. Thank you! Anyways, back to the story! 'Till next time!

Disclaimer: Like a line from a song goes, "Don't wish, don't start, wishing only wounds the heart." I'm not that girl.


Chapter 1: Transported

Galinda Upland of the Upper Uplands was positutely, horrendibly, and hideodeously bored out of her mind. It was her first class for this semester at Shiz and for the love of Oz, her first subject had to be downright, boring, History. Not to mention, her teacher was an old Goat who was supposedly intelligent but can't seem to get to her name right and instead of teaching 'real lessons', he kept harping in the past. Galinda, was looking around for someone to talk or to prank before this Ozdamned place drives her crazy. (Or, in her case, before her perfectly polished nails got chipped or before her perfect, blonde hair got all frizzy.) At that exact moment, she saw it. The Artichoke, or her 'unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe' roommate Elphaba Thropp, whom she've sworn to loathe her whole life, taking notes on the Goat's lecture. 

'Perfect!' Galinda thought. 

She quickly scribbled down a note on her pink stationary and asked her fellow popular girls, Pfanee and Shenshen, to pass it to the String Bean.

'Artichoke! What'cha doing there? it said.

Galinda saw the Green Girl's face scrunch up in disgust. She quickly wrote a note in response to the blonde's statement. 

Galinda clearly didn't like the reply for her amused smile turned into a frown,

'Isn't it obvious, blondie? Oh, forgive me, your blondeness already went up to your bimbo brain!' it said.

Galinda gave Elphaba a murderous look.

'We'll see about that, Artichoke!!' she thought menacingly.

There was no mistake that the petite blonde was mad. She might be famous for her beauty and popularity, but people were also very wary of the blonde's temper.

She angrily scribbled down a note expressing all her hate for the Artichoke and was about to ask the other girls to pass the note when the Goat  saw her. He immediately caught her attention.

"Ms G-Glinda, I hope that you pay attention to our lesson. I don't want to sermon anyone on the first day." The Goat, known as Doctor Dillamond said to the blonde sternly, even though he stammered a bit on Galinda's name.

Galinda immediately stood up.

"First of all, it's Galinda! With a Ga! Every professor seems to get my name right!  Secondly, how do you call this a lesson?  You're harping in the past!"

With that, Elphaba immediately stood up.

"History is the past,blondie! And maybe pronouncing your precious name isn't the sole purpose of Doctor Dillamond's life. Maybe he's not like every other professor. Maybe some of us are different." Elphaba said in defense of the poor old Goat against the blonde bimbo.

"Well it appears that the Artichoke is steamed." Galinda said with an amused smirk.

"Why you little-"

"Girls, please!" The Doctor started but was immediately cut off by the dagger glares given by Elpahaba and Galinda.

"Can you please be quiet?!" Both of them said at the same time. Electrical sparks flew

"A-as you wish." The Doctor stammered.

But it seems that while the girls were bickering, another problem was coming. A big green smoke was coming, and it was headed to the classroom. Dr.Dillamond saw it and tried to inform the girls.

"Ah, Girls?"

The two of them looked at him  again with menacing looks.

"What?!" they both said simultaneously.

The Doctor simply pointed at the green smoke, but it was too late. Everything became black.


Elphaba woke up in the clearing, suddenly wondering where she was and what she was doing here. The memories came back to her and she remembered. The fight.... the cloud...........Galinda, Galinda! She blacked out with Galinda! Looking to her left, she saw the blonde cowered in a corner,  quivering and shaking. She noticed Elphaba and stood up, pointing an accused finger at her. 

"Y-you! It was y-your fault! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!" the blonde screeched at her,  resulting into a irritated Elphaba.

"My fault! How come it was my fault?! If you didn't give me that Ozdamned note, we wouldn't  be here in the first place! Never mind. The first thing we need to do is to find a shelter." Elphaba said.

Somehow the blonde knew that the girl was right. She immediately scanned the surroudings untl she found something that caught her eye. There was a small cottage on top of the hill. It was way below the blonde's standards but she was desperate.

"There." she pointed.

Elphaba immediately hovered her eyes towards the direction the blonde was pointing. She saw a light. The cottage was occupied.

"No. Can't you see? There are people there." Elphaba said.

"That's the point! Look, we can ask them where we are, and we can also have free shelter. Two birds with one lipstick." the blonde reasoned.

"If, they allow us to stay. And it's not lipstick it's stone."  the green girl said.

"With my charm, they can't refuse us!" the blonde laughed.

Elphaba simply rolled her eyes but she reluctantly agreed. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

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