Chapter 3: =:= The Talk =:=

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I'm back! Again! I know, I know that I'm a bit fast, but when inspiration rushes in, I just can't stop. From now on, I'll refer to Act 1 Elphaba as Elphaba and Post-Musical Elphaba as Fae.

And I also thank you for the 41 reads!!

Disclaimer: If I own Wicked, I wouldn't be doing FANfics.


Elphaba had no idea what she was doing sitting in the living room of some stranger's home. Surely, the said stranger had already introduced himself and said his name was Yero, but she still doesn't trust him. Of course, Galinda had to trust him because he looks like Fiyero Tiggular, the 'scandalacious' Arjiki Prince .

Ah, Galinda whose full name is Galinda Upland of the Upper Uplands,  Scientific Name:Glindus Stupidus Blondeus.  The stereotypical blonde who loves to hitch up with guys who loves cultish social gatherings, commonly known as 'parties', had her eyes set on 'Yero'...... Even though he has a wife.

'Stupid blonde! The man already has a wife! An Ozdamned Wife! Doesn't she understand that?'  Elphaba thought.

She was about to let out a colorful string of curses when she'd  overheard two people talking.

"Yero, a rheorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer because it was asked in order to make a statement." the woman answered.

"Oh." was all Yero said.

"Now,back to my question. Are you freakin' kidding me?  Remember, Galinda likes Fiyero Tiggular. She'll do anything, ANYTHING, to get you." was all the woman said.

"But Fae, Elphaba's there. You wouldn't want her to get hurt would you?" Yero said as matter-of-factly.

'What? She cares about me? I mean we haven't met yet. How could she possibly care for me? Besides, I'm green. How could she possibly not be disgusted by me?' Elphaba pessimistically thought. 

 If Elphaba wasn't so deeply engrossed in her thoughts, she would've heard the rest of the conversation.


"No. I don't want her to get hurt." Fae lowered her head. "Fine, I'll talk to them." Fae reluctantly said.

Yero's serious face turned into a bright smile. "Thank you Fae!"

He was about to kiss her when she said something with a matching smirk.

"I'm not done yet. I'll talk to them, if we don't do 'it' tonight."

"Just tonight?" Yero  asked.

The woman called Fae put her face in mock thinking.

"Let me think..............If we won't do 'it' this whole week, I'll go talk to them. " Fae said in triumph.

Yero pouted. "I shouldn't have suggested it in the first place." he whispered. 

"Don't worry Yero, we could still do it some other time." Fae whispered into his ear.

Yero's face brightened up with happiness, but Fae just smacked his face.

"YOU IDIOT!" Fae said angrily, but her face said otherwise.

Yero quickly stood up and gave her wife a quick kiss to the cheek. Fae immediately blushed.

"Go to the kids' room. I have to talk to them." Fae said seriously.


Elphaba was tired of waiting. She was about to stand up to leave the house, when the woman called Fae came down the stairs. She turned to her left and saw Galinda absolutely seething with envy. Elphaba silently snickered to herself.

It's not everyday that you can see Galinda like this. It was one of the moments that you need a camera to capture this beautiful moment.  Fae, on the other hand, gave a very sad smile, like she was reminiscing something.

"Hello girls. My name is Fae, and I want to know how you got here."


 Meanwhile, just a little bit outside the Great Gilikin Forest, a carriage broke down. The driver went down to inspect the wheel.

"M'lady, it looks like the wheel needs to be fixed. This will take a while." the driver said.

The door opened to reveal a young blonde woman in her 20s, wearing a blue bubble dress.

"Thank you, kind sir. Can I  roam around while waiting? It'll be a bit boring, waiting in the carriage." the woman asked.

The man bowed down as low as he could.

"As you wish, Your Goodness."

Glinda took off in a haste, getting out of the carriage as fast as possible, towards the direction of the Great Gilikin Forest. She wanted to be alone, to at least mourn  Elphie and Fiyero.

She roamed around for quite a while, carefully studying the trees. Rumor has it that the witch and her lover were still roaming around the forest, and Glinda was hoping for it to be true.

That is, until she saw a cottage.


 Fae was very fascinated by the way Elphaba and Galinda got there. According to Elphaba,  they were whisked away by some kind of cloud. Fae had suspicions that the cloud was made by Glinda. She had no idea that Glinda would do anything to bring her back, which proves that she truly had been changed.

The snotty, bratty girl that is right in front of her was different from the blonde who's wearing a bubble blue dress. She too, had been changed. From the usual, sarcastic, overprotective self she had once been, she became still a sarcastic, loving, and beautiful woman. (Although she didn't truly believe that.)

A lot of questions sprung from her head. 'What if, I told them their future? Would it affect our future as well?'  Fae thought.

"So... do you know where we are?" Elphaba reluctantly asked.

Fae had to contain a tiny smile. She remembered that Elphaba trusted no one but herself. The irony.

Her decision was final when she uttered, "Yes. In fact, you are in the future, six years from your time."

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