Chapter 4: =:= Surprises

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Hey Guys! I'm back! I know, I know it's been months since my last update. Anyways, apologies if this chapter's too short. I'll make it up to you guys next time.


Elphaba couldn't believe what this crazy woman was saying. This? The future? Blondie, on the other hand, being the blonde that she is, bought it.

"Really?! Will I marry Fiyero Tiggular? Will I get even more popular? Will I never get to see this Artichoke ever again? Please Miss Fae! Answer me!"

Elphaba let out a shrill cackle. She brushed the tears off of her eyes, and laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"Are you crazy? This isn't the future! You're just some crazy woman making things up!"

Elphaba said while laughing.

Instead of saying anything, Fae just smiled wryly. Elphaba could sense what she was trying to tell her through that smirk that seemed eerily familiar. Like the smirk she uses when someone wants proof about something.

Elphaba saw that she was about to say something when someone knocked at the door.


Glinda waited impatiently outside the door, waiting for someone to answer. She was wandering the forest when she saw a beautiful cottage, complete with some beautiful flowers and plants as a finishing touch. She was hoping to find someone inside, to see if they know the real Her. The real Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba Thropp. Fabala. Fae. Elphie.


Somebody finally answered the door.

She was rewarded with something more. Standing in front of her was her best friend, who was supposed to be dead, whose skin wasn't green anymore.

A lot of emotions came towards her. Should she be happy? Angry? Overjoyed? Furious? Feeling confused, she said the only word that she can muster, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Elphie..........?" Glinda said.

She saw the woman nod in agreement. Glinda instantly wrapped her arms around her best friend, body wracking with sobs.

"Shh... Glin, it's okay." Fae gently brushed Glinda's hair to calm her down.

That is, until Glinda saw Galinda.

The two girls screamed at each other and instantly fainted. Elphaba's face became a sigh.

'Are all Blondes like this?' She thought.

Little did Elphaba know, another surprise was around the corner. Right after the two blondes fainted, Fae undid the charm that she casted upon her. She let out a terrifying scream.

Elphaba looked left to see Fae writhing and struggling to keep awake. She tried to approach her, but NO, Fae said otherwise!

And that's where she saw it.

A little tint of an eerily familiar color crept up Fae's legs, up to her head.

She was staring at Fae, whose skin is now a tint of green. Wait. Green?! That would only mean..........

Elphaba instantly fainted on the spot.

"I told you I have proof, Elphaba, you just wouldn't listen. Like old times." Fae said gently to a fainted Elphaba, now drenched in sweat.



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