Chapter 4

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Mal's POV

It is December 17 and I am now nine months pregnant and I've got to say, this pregnancy was easier than I thought it would be. However, I am a week overdue. Ben and I have had everything set up for months now. Our son has a nursery, toys, clothes and everything a baby would want. I'm imagining our son when he's born. Whether he'll have green or brown eyes and whether he'll have blonde or brown hair. I kind of want him to be a mix of Ben and I. Maybe brown eyes and blonde hair or green eyes and brown hair. Evie, Liv, Bree, Jane, Lonnie and I were in my room talking when I felt a gush of water go down my leg and a huge contraction hit me like a boulder.

"Ahhh!" I screamed out in pain.

"Mal!" Evie said and came to my aid. "Lonnie I'll need you to call Mal's doctor, Jane call your mother, Liv go get Jay so he can carry Mal and Bree go find Ben. I think Ben is in office working or something just find him. I'll stay with Mal." She said giving them orders to do all this stuff. Each girl left to do what Evie told them to while Evie grabbed my hospital bag, our phones and helped me through the contractions that were hitting me hard.

"This. Is. So. Painful!" I screamed.

"I know M but you have to pull through! For Ben, for Kaleb, for Auradon! You can do it I know you can!" Evie said, encouraging me. Jay came five minutes later, picked me up and carried me to his car. We drove to the hospital and got there in three minutes. It's not that far and Jay kind of speeded a little too fast. They got me checked in and Val came to see how far I had dilated in the past hour.

"Well Mal you are 6 centimeters." Val announced proudly. "You will probably start pushing in thirty minutes." She said and left the room. Ben came in ten minutes later and I was 8 centimeters.

"How are you feeling M?" He asked and I slapped him before I started yelling at him really loudly and while in pain.

"YOU DUMB DUMB KING JUST HAD TO GO AND GET A NINETEEN YEAR OLD PREGNANT. FREAKING PREGNANT BEN OH WHAT A KING YOU ARE I HATE YOU!" I shouted. Ben looked taken aback but Evie just explained that these are mood swings that every woman has while at some point while giving birth. Val came back and said I was ten centimeters so it's time to start pushing.

"Push!" Val shouted and I pushed and squeezed Ben's hand real hard.

"1 2 3 push! I can see the head!" Val announced and I pushed again.

"Okay Mal, last push and your son will be here." She said and I pushed. We then heard the piercing screams of our first child, our son, our heir. A nurse cleaned him up and weighed him before bringing him back to us. Val handed him to me and was holding a pen and a piece of paper.

"We need you guys to fill out the birth certificate." Val said politely and gave the papers to Ben since I had our son. Ben took the papers and wrote everything down that was needed. He handed them back to Val and she read them quickly before leaving.

"What a gorgeous name!" Val gushed before leaving us in the room. Evie, Doug, Liv, Jay, Bree, Dan, Jane, Carlos, Eve and Asia came into the room five minutes later.

"Happy Sixteenth Birthday Eve and Asia!!!" I said to them.

"Thanks Mal. Can we meet our nephew now????" They asked at the same time.

"Sure!" I said and held my son with his head on my left side so they could see his face. Evie spoke first.

"He's adorable M!" She said.

"Thanks." I responded. "Would you like to hold your godson Evie?" I asked her.

"Godson?" She said happy and shocked. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course E." I said.

"I'd love to hold him." She said and I carefully passed him over to her and she held him like a pro.

"When do we get to find out his name?" Liv asked and Bree nodded.

"Tonight at the introduction we have planned for the little guy." Ben said.

We all hung out for thirty minutes and then the little guy and I were released from the hospital, yay! We got home at three in the afternoon and the ceremony is at five in the evening. I was hanging with the little guy in his room looking at his features. He has Ben's dark brown hair with Ben's nose and ears as well. The little guy has my mouth and I think he has my eyes. My son opened his eyes for the first time and I was looking straight back into my eyes. He is a beautiful mix of us both. Ben came in one and a half hours later. We walked out onto the balcony where Ben's parents and FG were waiting for us and we overlooked the entire kingdom.

"Welcome peoples of Auradon! King Benjamin and Queen Mal are here to introduce the new heir!" FG said and that was our cue. We stepped out next to FG and Ben's parents.

"I, King Ben, hereby introduce you to the new heir to the throne!" Ben started happily. I smiled and held our son out towards the people so they could see him and they were 'oohing' and 'awing' over him. I spoke next.

"We would like you to meet Prince Kaleb Florian Asher Beast! Born December 17, 2017 at 7:57am! Seven pounds eight ounces and seventeen inches long!" I finished for him and all we heard were happy shouts from the crowd and I looked to see Belle, Adam and FG crying. I looked down to Evie, Liv, Bree, Jane, Lonnie, Doug, Jay, Dan and Carlos and smiled at them.

The first year went by way too fast with Kaleb. He grew up so so fast and I was not enjoying his growth at all.

Total Word Count: 1040

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