Finally back to unique, I guess??

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My eyes lit up, remembering something suddenly. I dashed to the tunnels, but before I could get there half-way, my firetruck friend shouted quietly, careful not to wake his team-mates,

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

I skidded to a stop, but ended up falling backwards, my feet somehow stuck in the air. I probably sat there like that for a few minutes before he poked his head in my view, and asked,

"Are you alright? That was quite a fall."

I sighed a sigh of holding my breath and said,

" One, yes, I am fine. Two, I am going to watch the sunrise, one of my favorite things about earth."

He helped me up, and surprisingly his grip is strong. I brushed my hair out of my face, and said,

"Thanks. Want to going me?"

"Sure, why not."

Heatwave said, shrugging. I grabbed his hand and dashed through the tunnels, excitement powering me. I jogged to a stop, and gazed at the horizon, the streaks of purple and orange peeking through the surface, as if waiting for the moon to disappear. 

"Ah! Perfect timing!"

I said to myself, and glanced back, surprised and slightly embarrassed, to see my very astonished and fuzzy-haired friend.

"Um.. oops.."

I murmured sheepishly, hesitating to comb his hair down. I put my hand down, but eventually combed it down, then dropped my hand, and spun around to watch the horizon. I smiled at the pink and orange streamed sky. 


Heatwave gasped. I nodded, keeping my eyes to the horizon.Suddenly the early morning lights went out, and I furrowed my eyebrows, in confusion. 

-Time Skip-

Standing in front of the main power building, I walked in, curious to know what's happened. Heatwave tagged along, to be back-up. I tilted my head, staring at the main power source. 


I thought, putting my hands on my hips. 

"The power's a bit weird today, huh?"

Heatwave asked, studying the data. I nodded, and turned the power off, then paused. With turning the power back on, lightning shot out, and struck through my veins. I blinked my eyes open, and stared at my arms. Uh Oh..... The electricity than ran through my veins created lightning marks on my skin. Just like my dream. I looked around, and found myself the urge to destroy my friend. Heatwave raised an eyebrow, then his blue eyes widened.

a/n: BUM BUM BUM!!!! 

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