Darkness Falls

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Lena's POV:

Right after we got off the couch and walked into the kitchen there was a loud clap of thunder and then all the electricity in the apartment went off.

So now we sit at my kitchen counter across from each other on stools enjoying our meal by candlelight and our third glass of wine.

Actually my fourth.

I started before she got here. She makes me so nervous. Not that I'm new to this lesbian thing, but I'm new to these feelings she stirs in me.

I thought I was in love before,
but no one has ever made me feel like this. She created a heat inside my belly so intense that I didn't think there was anything that could put it out. Nor did I it want to.

She leaned forward on the counter with her elbows on either side of her bowl as she ate and again her breasts were directly in my eye line. Even by candlelight, their perfectness was beautifully highlighted.

I could stare at the plump roundness of her chest and her perfect cleavage all day. And if she moved just right and I looked really carefully I could see the slight outline of a perfect taut nipple pushing against her tank top. I lick my lips when I catch sight of it and my groin twitches as I imagine what it would look like popping out from my sucking mouth.

She hasn't caught me looking yet, but I honestly didn't think I would mind if she did.

They felt perfect against my chest when we were kissing but other than caressing the sides I have yet to feel their weight in my hand. I caught myself imagining that and this time she caught me looking.

Stef's POV:

"Hello Lena? Up here!" I direct as I catch her looking into my shirt. She had this cute far away look in her eye staring at my chest and I can only imagine what naughty things she is thinking about. We haven't really talked too much about sex other than the decision to take it slow but there was an energy about her that just told me her appetites were intense.

"Oh my God!" she squealed in embarrassment, covering her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Was I making you uncomfortable? They were just ... there! And they're... gorgeous," she sighed slowly.

"So you WERE looking at my breasts?" I teased.

"Seriously?" she asked pretending to be annoyed.

I laugh hysterically, but my laughter gets caught in my throat as Lena's countenance suddenly changes and a smile curves slightly across her lips.

"So what if I was?," she asks in a low husky tone.

She gets off her stool and walks over to me.

"You have very lovely breasts," she drawls as she puts her hand on my shoulder and then runs her fingers lightly down my arm.

"And I have been staring at them. All night. "

As she says this she moves over me and straddles my lap. Her body is hot as it presses against mine and her face is so close I can feel her breath. She reaches up and begins unbuttoning my shirt.

"Lena... I can't..." I say almost apologetically.

"Can't what? Take this off? Sure you can. It's hot and I'm just trying to cool you off."

She practically purrs this as she unbuttons my shirt all the way and then tugs it off my shoulders and tosses it to the side. I can feel the slickness between my legs increase as her hands touch my body but in ways that are not even entirely sexually. And I can't even imagine how she'll make me feel when she does. I close my eyes and softly shudder at the thought.

"Actually what you're doing is the opposite of cooling me off," I groan as she softly kisses my neck.

"Oohh you're talking about sex? Ok then I can talk about sex too. Do you want to know what I was thinking? Cause I'll tell you if you do..."

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