Testing The Waters

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Stef's POV:

We lay on our sides looking at each other as she asks me if I want her to tell me or show me other things we can do. 

Momentarily I can't think but suddenly, before my mind can even process what I'm choosing I blurt out "show me" and there's no going back.

My mind goes into a mini panic mode but my vagina, who I'm pretty sure is the one that answered for me, tingles in just the right way and I am able to keep the panic on the inside.

She moves off the bed and begins unbuttoning her shirt. "You don't have to take your clothes off. I'm just more comfortable with less clothes. Not naked but less... are you okay with that?"

"Yes that's fine" I answer as my eyes lock on her every move. She is so beautiful. At first glance she looks very thin, almost frail, but as she pulls her shirt off she reveals lean, sculpted muscle tone.  She is wearing a light pink stretchy tank top that clings to her body, and that reveals just the right amount of cleavage at the top.  Her breasts are small but they're perfect and round with good size nipples that peak through the material. I lick my lips as I imagine I would lick her nipple and I feel myself growing hot and slick between my legs.

She smiles at me as she reaches down and begins unfastening her jeans.

The look of panic must have come across on my face as she laughs and says "Don't worry. I'm leaving my panties on...  that is until you decide to take them off."

I whimper out loud and she laughs and winks at me in a way that makes me shiver.

She kicks off her jeans and then gestures to me as if asking if I'm taking anything off. I lean back on my elbow and saw in a low voice "I was hoping you could help me."

She grins as she walks to the end of the bed and then crawls up until she is next to me. She swings one leg over me and straddles my thighs as she puts her hands on my shoulders and encourages me to sit up. Grabbing my shirt by the bottom she pulls it off slowly, her fingers running along my side as she does so. 

"Pants?" she asks as her fingers rest at the top of my jeans. I nod and she begins undoing them.

Lena's POV: 

Pulling her jeans open I can't help but run my fingers over the soft skin of her stomach.  Overcome with desire I lean down and kiss the exposed part of her underwear right on her mound. It's very brief but I hear her gasp and I quickly pull back.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I just want you so bad..."

"It's okay love. I just wasn't expecting that."

"Are you okay? Should we continue?"

She closes her eyes and swallows hard but she nods yes.

"Come here" I tell her as I grab her hands. "Stand up here in front of me"

I move off of her and sit on the edge of the bed as I move her in front of me between my legs. I take my hands and cradle the sides of her breasts, my thumbs cupping underneath them. I test their weight and squeeze slightly. They fit perfectly in my hands and I continue to caress around them as I lean forward and place a slick, open mouth kiss on her sternum. She shudders as I do this and her hands go up and grip my shoulders. I kiss my way down and across her stomach slowly in no certain pattern. Light, closed mouth kisses here, tongue drags and swirls there until I reach the piercing in her belly button.

"Sexy" I murmur as I kiss it and move to the soft skin of her lower belly. I drag my tongue down to the waistband of her panties and lick along the border briefly before moving back up. I place one last kiss below her belly button before grabbing the waistband of her jeans and tugging them off. She is wearing cute light blue cotton panties and as I pull off her jeans I can smell her arousal. 

I pull her on top of me as I lay back and I move my legs around until I am able to position her so my leg is between hers and her knee is between mine.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I rub her back slowly in circles. She nods. "Good. Now kiss me," I say softly.

* This isn't everything I wanted to put in this but because of my school schedule I'm going to have to make it a two-parter!  I hope you enjoy!

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