the next day💋💗

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I woke up got ready and the lady who did our gender reveal thing handed me the paper mache basketball . I woke everybody up made breakfast everybody ate and markelle said he needed to talk to me. So we went to his man cave . he told me that I needed to apologize to my dad because he tryed to apologize to me . fine I whined he kissed my lips and grabbed my ass. We walks out and I told my dad if I can talk to him outside.he agreed and I said. I'm sorry for over reacting and I'm sorry for telling u things I apologize dad and I love you. He kisses my forehead and we went outside for our reveal I had my dad record on my phone eliana record on my dad phone and shanie record on markelle phone I was wearing  a red dress and I handed markelle
The paper mache ball and he kissed me and shot a three and the painted bomb went ever where and Marielle freaked out he was yelling all over the place  he kissed me and kissed my stomachs we yelled in the camera it's a boy.

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