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55 13 4

12:35 PM  ; St. Anne's Hospital

" Yoongi?" My head turned to the voice's direction to see Jin, a tall handsome man with broad-shoulders, holding a bouquet of white flowers

"  Seokjin... "

" Hm? Did you say anything?" Jin tilted his head " I didn't quite hear you?"

" I-I was just asking what kind of flower are those?" I pointed towards the bouquet he was holding

" I call them Smeraldos "

Now my mind just stopped functioning, really? Smeraldos?

" I was just kidding." Jin gave out a laugh as he saw how much dumbfounded and confused my face has shown " These are white chrysanthemum. It stands for truth, don't you agree?"

I nodded " It's white complexion says it all, doesn't it?" I say

He smiled, his cheeks lifting up " Yoongi, do you even know who you're talking to?"

I gave him another nod 'yes' " Ah.. Joon has been helping you has he?"

" Jin hyung.. " I walked towards him, our distance cutting short

" I am happy " He smiled and reached out his other hand to pat my shoulder  " He's finally seeking the truth, isn't he?"

" Even if it endangers your life?"

" Yeah.." He says, his eyes distant " Namjoon, all his life he was scared that no one would like him " He stated, his lips slowly losing its smile

He continued " So, he would let people push him around, like a slave would do." He took a deep breath before speaking his next sentence " He was beaten up for doing the right things, he was scared everyday after that"

He looked up to me, his smile returning once again " You're the living proof that he's finally fighting for the right things, so thank you so much"

I bowed my head down " I am sorry, it's my fault. You wouldn't be in danger right now."

" I am so fucking sorry " I proceeded to kneel on both of my knees on the cold, flat cement. I bent my upper torso down and let my forehead touch the cement's surface " Yoongi, please, this isn't your fault!"

Small, wet circles started to appear on the cement under my face. " If it weren't for me " My voice cracked under the pressure of my feelings, my tears falling, dropping onto the cement. " If it weren't for me then everyone would be happy right now"

I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked up to see a the sky turned dark, small white dots slowly appearing on the dark canvas, glowing lightly. A bright orange light emerged from my back, the burning sensation coming back to me once more. The cement I was on completely turned into grass with red thick liquid scattered all around me. I squinted my eyes, my vision trying to focus on the scenario.

" I am sorry " The figure in front of me, spoke in a faded manner, my ears started to ring.

As my vision cleared the figure's identity finally became clear.

It made everything more confusing.

His eyes were dead, eye bags hanging loosely at the edge of his eyes, two wet streaming lines, visible on his cheeks.

I tried to call him out but my voice wouldn't come out, as if the only thing I can do was watch, just like those other times.

" Yoongi?"  Within a blink, everything changed, everything was normal again. Jin shook my shoulder and with that it startled me, making me trampling over his touch, my arse hitting the hard cement. The sounds of the waves came back, the scent of the salt carried by the waves that were colliding with each other.

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