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Everyone started laughing at Two-bit, except for himself.

He said, "Guys, I'm telling ya when the aliens attack don't try and say I didn't warn ya."

I grabbed the fifth glass of beer he was holding and threw it away.

I said to him, "Your gonna need to stop drinking these, Two-bit."

He made a pouty face and then ordered another drink of beer.

Which made me literally roll my eyes.

I was having a fun time at the Dingo with them actually.

Two-bit made the jokes, Pony told stories, Dally was Dally, Johnny was quiet, Steve laughed and ate, and Soda laughed and ate.

I decided to skip Track practice once more just to hangout with them.

And for right now I'm really glad I did.

I thought that I would just change into my sports clothes here and leave.

So, my dad would think I was practicing when practice was over.

Dally then asked, "So, Pony have you asked her out yet?"

I turned and looked at him still laughing from what Two-bit said.

Pony asked, "No, what girl?"

Dally pointed to me and said, "That one that you won't quit saying how beautiful she is."

I blushed and felt a little bit awkward.

Pony just hit him hard on the shoulder while he started laughing.

I don't even think he meant to say that, he just had a few drinks.

I stood up out of my chair speechless and said, "Maybe I should go."

As I was walking out of the Dingo, I saw Christian walk in.

I smiled and was about to say hi when I saw that he wasn't alone.

I hid behind a table which was full of people that stared at me.

I didn't even care to notice all I cared about was who is that girl?

Maybe there just friends having a dinner together.

I stood up sighing in relief until I saw him kiss her hand that's when I dropped to the floor again.

Sodapop being funny crept beside me and asked, "Whatcha doing?"

I pointed to Christian and said, "That's my boyfriend, and I think he's on a date."

Soda's jaw dropped and said, "C'mon."

He grabbed my arm gently, and we walked over there together.

Christian stood up and asked, "Emma?"

I shook my head and asked, "Who the hell is this?"

That's when Soda asked kind of hurt, "Sandy?"

I said, "Alright, Sandy, why are you with my boyfriend?"

Sandy said, "I thought you two were cousins."

I looked back at Christian pulling him out of the restaurant.

He said to me when we got out there, "Ok, look, I know you think I'm just-"

I interrupted him, "Shallow, a cheater...Why in the world are you dating someone that isn't me?"

He said hesitantly, "Look, I wanted to tell you that I think we should take a break."

I grabbed his arm when he turned around wanting to resume his date.

He turned back around and asked, "What?"

I said, "I've known you since we were three years old. What are you doing?"

He looked away from my eyes and didn't say anything.

I said to him, "I thought you loved me."

He stepped closer to me and replied, "I do."

Before he could finish his sentence, I backed away from him.

He continued, "But I love her to."

I shook my head and yelled at him, "You barely even know her you've known me all your life!"

He yelled back, "Emma!"

My face was full of tears from reality hitting me in the face.

I jumped when he yelled at me.

He continued in a less loud voice, "Grow up."

He turned around and walked back inside continuing his date.

I just stood there not believing he actually broke up with me.

I watched through the Dingo window of Soda and Sandy arguing as well.

Until my ex boyfriend walked back in.

Sandy smiled at him and sat back down continuing the date as well.

I turned around and sniffled sitting down on the Dingo bench.

I covered my face with my hands and just let the tears fall down.

I heard the door open and close but I was too sad to look up.

That's when I felt a hand on my back and a soothing voice say, "I'll drive you back home."

It was Darry's voice, so I got up off the bench and followed him to his car.

As he began to drive with the whole gang in the car, Christian came to my head.

I let a tear fall and I buried my head again in my hands:

I let a tear fall and I buried my head again in my hands:

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I said through the pain, "I was so stupid."

Ponyboy said to me, "He doesn't deserve you, Emma."

I looked up and asked, "You really think so?"

He nodded his head and said, "Someone that deserves you isn't going to make you cry."

I thought about what he said for awhile and began to cry some more.

I let my head fall on Pony's chest as he comforted me all the way home.

Thanks for Reading!
Hope you liked the chapter and are excited for more! Let me know in the comments below what you think! Stay Tuned for More!

-Stay Gold

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